Latest version.

    Cover Sheet:

    The figure entered for Total Premium for all Accident and Sickness Lines should be consistent with the total accident and sickness premium written in Virginia for all accident and sickness lines including credit accident and sickness, disability income, and all others, whether subject to §§ 38.2-3408 or 38.2-4221 and §§ 38.2-3409 through 38.2-3419 of the Code of Virginia or not, as reported in the Company's Annual Statement for the reporting period. This figure should not be adjusted.

    The figure entered for Total Premiums on Applicable Policies and Contracts should be the total accident and sickness premiums written in Virginia on applicable policies and contracts, as defined in 14VAC5-190-30 that are subject to §§ 38.2-3408 or 38.2-4221 and §§ 38.2-3409 through 38.2-3419 for the reporting period. Written premium on applicable policies only should be included. Policies sitused outside of Virginia, and policies sitused in Virginia, but not subject to Mandated Benefits as provided in § 38.2-3408 or § 38.2-4221 and § 38.2-3409 through § 38.2-3419 are not considered applicable policies.

    Report Type (Abbreviated or Complete) - the company must determine eligibility to file an abbreviated report under 14VAC5-190-40 C or a complete report for this reporting period. Companies submitting an abbreviated report must submit the cover sheet of Form MB-1 as well as the information required by 14VAC5-190-40 D.

    Part A: Claim Information - Benefits

    Part A requires disclosure of specific claim data for each mandated benefit and mandated offer for both individual and group business. Carriers are reminded that the basis on which claim data is presented, either "Paid" or "Incurred" must always be completed. This is entered at the top of the form, and the basis must be consistent throughout the report.

    Total claims paid/incurred for individual contracts and group certificates refers to all claims paid or incurred under the types of policies subject to the reporting requirements. This figure should not be the total of claim payments entered in column c, rather a total of all claims paid or incurred under the applicable contracts or certificates. This number has been omitted by several carriers reporting previously. The Bureau can not compile the information reported without this number. It is imperative that this number be entered.

    Columns a and b - "Number of Visits" or "Number of Days" refers to the number of provider and physician visits, and the number of inpatient or partial hospital days, as applicable. The numbers reported should be consistent with the type of service rendered. For example, number of days (column b) should not be reported unless the claim dollars being reported were paid or incurred for inpatient or partial hospitalization.

    Claims reported for § 38.2-3409, Handicapped Dependent Children should include only those claims paid or incurred as a result of a continuation of coverage because of the criteria provided in this section of the Code of Virginia.

    Claims reported for § 38.2-3410, Doctor to Include Dentist, should include only claims for treatment normally provided by a physician, but which were provided by a dentist. Claims for normal or routine dental services should not be reported.

    Column c -Total Claims Payments - companies should enter the total of claims paid or incurred for the mandate.

    Column d - Number of Contracts

    Individual business - companies should report the number of individual contracts in force in Virginia which contain the benefits and providers listed. The number of contracts should be consistent throughout column d, except in the case of mandated offers, which may be less.

    Group business - companies should report the number of group certificates in force in Virginia which contain the benefits and providers listed, not the number of group contracts. This number should also be consistent except for mandated offers, which may be less.

    Column e - Claim Cost Per Contract/Certificate. This figure is computed by dividing the amount entered in column c by the figure entered in column d. It is no longer necessary for reporting companies to enter this figure. The Bureau's software will compute this figure automatically.

    Column f - Annual Administrative Cost should only include 1996 administrative costs (not start-up costs, unless those costs were incurred during the reporting period).

    Column g - Percent of Total Health Claims is the claims paid or incurred for this benefit as a percentage of the total amount of health claims paid or incurred subject to this reporting requirement. It is no longer necessary for reporting companies to enter this figure. The Bureau's software will compute this figure automatically.

    Part B: Claim Information - Providers

    In determining the cost of each mandate, it is expected that claim and other actuarial data will be used. A listing of the CPT-4 and ICD-9CM Codes which should be used in collecting the required data is attached for your convenience.

    Column a - Number of Visits is the number of visits to the provider group for which claims were paid or incurred.

    Column b - Total Claims Payments is the total dollar amount of claims paid to the provider group.

    Column c - Cost Per Visit is computed by dividing the amount entered in column b by the figure entered in column a. It is no longer necessary for reporting companies to enter this figure. The Bureau's software will compute this figure automatically.

    Column d - Number of Contracts

    Individual business - report the number of individual contracts subject to this reporting requirement.

    Group business - report the number of group certificates subject to this reporting requirement.

    Column e - Claim Cost Per Contract/Certificate - (both group and individual business) is the amount entered in column b divided by the figure entered in column d. It is no longer necessary for reporting companies to enter this figure. The Bureau's software will compute this figure automatically.

    Column f - Annual Administrative Cost should only include 1996 administrative costs (not start-up costs, unless those costs were incurred during the reporting period).

    Column g - Percent of Total Health Claims is the claims paid or incurred for services administered by each provider type as a percentage of the total amount of health claims paid or incurred subject to this reporting requirement. It is no longer necessary for reporting companies to enter this figure. The Bureau's software will compute this figure automatically.

    Part C: Premium Information

    Standard Policy

    Use what you consider to be your standard individual policy and/or group certificate to complete the deductible amount, the coinsurance paid by the insurer, and the individual/employee out-of-pocket maximum. These amounts should be entered under the heading of Individual Policy and/or Group certificates, as applicable, in the unshaded blocks.

    For your standard health insurance policy in Virginia, provide the total annual premium that would be charged per unit of coverage assuming inclusion of all of the benefits and providers listed. A separate annual premium should be provided for Individual policies and Group certificates, both single and family.

    Premium Attributable to Each Mandate

    Provide the portion (dollar amount) of the annual premium for each policy that is attributable to each mandated benefit, offer and provider. If the company does not have a "Family" rating category, coverage for two adults and two children is to be used when calculating the required family premium figures.

    Please indicate where coverage under your policy exceeds Virginia mandates. It is understood that companies do not usually rate each benefit and provider separately. However, for the purpose of this report it is required that a dollar figure be assigned to each benefit and provider based on the company's actual claim experience, such as that disclosed in Parts A and B, and other relevant actuarial information.

    Number of Contracts/Certificates

    Provide the number of individual policies and/or group certificates issued or renewed by the Company in Virginia during the reporting period in the appropriate fields under each heading.

    Provide the number of individual policies and/or group certificates in force for the company in Virginia as of the last day of the reporting period in the appropriate fields under each heading.

    Annual Premium for Individual Standard Policy (30 year old male in Richmond)

    Enter the annual premium for an individual policy with no mandated benefits or mandated providers for a 30 year old male in the Richmond area in your standard premium class in the appropriate line. Enter the cost for a policy for the same individual with present mandates in the appropriate line. (Assume coverage including $250 deductible, $1,000 stop-loss limit, 80% co-insurance factor, and $250,000 policy maximum.) If you do not issue a policy of this type, provide the premium for a 30 year old male in your standard premium class for the policy that you offer that is most similar to the one described and summarize the differences from the described policy in a separate form. The premium for a policy "with mandates" should include all mandated benefits, offers, and providers.

    Average Dollar Amount for Converting Group to Individual

    Companies should provide information concerning the cost of converting group coverage to an individual policy. Information should be provided only as relevant to your company's practices.

    If the company adds an amount to the annual premium of a group policy or certificate to cover the cost of conversion to an individual policy, provide the average dollar amount per certificate under the "group certificate" heading in the fields for single and family coverages, as appropriate.

    If the cost of conversion is instead covered in the annual premium of the individual policy, provide the average dollar amount attributable to the conversion requirement under the heading "Individual Policy" in the fields for single or family coverages, as appropriate. If the cost of conversion is instead covered by a one-time charge made to the group policyholder for each conversion, provide the average dollar amount under the heading "Group Certificates" in the fields for single or family coverages, as appropriate.

    Part D - Utilization and Expenditures for Selected Procedures by Provider Type

    Selected Procedure Codes are listed in Part D to obtain information about utilization and costs for specific types of services. Please identify expenditures and visits for the Procedure Codes indicated. Other claims should not be included in this Part. Individual and group data must be combined for this part of the report.

    Claim data should be reported by procedure code and provider type. "Physician" refers to medical doctors.

    Data should only reflect paid claims. Unpaid claims should not be included.

    It is no longer necessary to report the Cost Per Visit. The Bureau's software will compute this figure automatically.


    Information provided on Form MB-1 should only reflect the experience of policies or contracts delivered or issued for delivery in the Commonwealth of Virginia and subject to Virginia mandated benefit, mandated offer and provider statutes.

    Note the addition of data to be reported for Coverage of Procedures Involving Bones and Joints, § 38.2-3418.2. This is the first reporting year for this information. Refer to Administrative Letter 1996-16, dated December 4, 1996.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.

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    For FORM MB-1 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION, see Virginia Administrative Code print product.