Section 70. Filing a rate revision  

Latest version.
  • A. Each rate revision submission shall include: (i) a new rate sheet; (ii) an actuarial memorandum; and (iii) all information required in SERFF. The Unified Rate Review Template shall be filed for coverage issued in the individual or small group markets, except for student health insurance coverage.

    B. The actuarial memorandum shall contain the following information:

    1. A description of the type of policy, including benefits, renewability, issue age limits, and if applicable, whether the policy includes grandfathered or nongrandfathered plans or both.

    2. The scope and reason for the premium or rate revision.

    3. A comparison of the revised premiums with the current premium scale, including all percentage rate changes and any rating factor changes.

    4. A statement of whether the revision applies only to new business, only to in-force business, or to both.

    5. The estimated average annual premium per policy and per member, before and after the proposed rate revision. Where different changes by rating classification are being requested, the rate filing shall also include (i) the range of changes and (ii) the average overall change with a detailed explanation of how the change was determined.

    6. Except for coverage issued in the small group market, historical and projected experience, submitted on Form 130 A, including:

    a. Virginia and national historical experience as specified in 14VAC5-130-50 C and projections for future experience;

    b. A statement indicating the basis for determining the rate revision (Virginia, national or blended);

    c. If the basis is blended, the credibility factor assigned to the national experience;

    d. Earned Premiums (EP), Incurred Benefits (IB), Increase in Reserves (IR), and Incurred Loss Ratio = (IB + IR) ÷ (EP); and

    e. Any other available data the health insurance issuer may wish to provide. The additional data may include, if available and appropriate, the ratios of actual claims to the claims expected according to the assumptions underlying the existing rates; substitution of actual claim run-offs for claim reserves and liabilities; accumulations of experience funds; substitution of net level policy reserves for preliminary term policy reserves; adjustments of premiums to an annual mode basis; or other adjustments or schedules suited to the form and to the records of the company. All additional data must be reconciled, as appropriate, to the required data.

    7. Details and dates of all past rate revisions, including the annual rate revisions members will experience as a result of this filing. For companies revising rates only annually, the rate revision should be identical to the current submission. For companies that have had more frequent rate revisions, the annual revision should reflect the compounding impact of all such revisions for the previous 12 months.

    8. A description of how revised rates were determined, including the general description and source of each assumption on Form 130A. For claims, provide historical and projected claims by major service category for both cost and utilization on Form 130B.

    9. If the rate revision applies to new business, provide the anticipated loss ratio and a description of how it was calculated.

    10. If the rate revision applies to in-force business:

    a. The anticipated loss ratio and a description of how it was calculated; and

    b. The estimated cumulative loss ratio, historical and anticipated, and a description of how it was calculated.

    11. The loss ratio that was originally anticipated for the policy.

    12. If 9, 10a, or 10b is less than 11, supporting documentation for the use of such premiums or rates.

    13. The current number of Virginia and national members to which the revision applies for the most recent month for which such data is available, and either premiums in force, premiums earned, or premiums collected for such members in the year immediately prior to the filing of the rate revision.

    14. Certification by a qualified actuary that, to the best of the actuary's knowledge and judgment, the rate filing is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations of this Commonwealth and the premiums are reasonable in relation to the benefits provided.

    15. For coverage issued in the individual or small group markets, a certification by a qualified actuary of the actuarial value of each plan of benefits included and the AV calculation summary.

Historical Notes

Derived from Regulation 22, Case No. INS810039, § 8, eff. October 1, 1981; amended, Volume 29, Issue 20, eff. July 1, 2013; Volume 32, Issue 09, eff. January 1, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 12.1-13 and 38.2-223 of the Code of Virginia.