Section 50. Form requirements  

Latest version.
  • The following requirements must be met with regard to each form submitted to the Bureau:

    1. The form number must appear on each form submitted in the lower left-hand corner of the first page.

    2. The full and proper corporate name of the insurer shall prominently appear on the cover sheet of all policies, certificates, riders, endorsements, applications and other forms required to be submitted pursuant to §§ 38.2-316 and 38.2-3725 of the Code of Virginia. The use of a trade name or the name of an affiliated company on a policy form in such a way that implies that another company is responsible for the obligations undertaken in the policy is prohibited. The inclusion of a logo, trade mark or other symbol in addition to the full corporate name is not prohibited provided such logo, trade mark, or symbol does not imply that a company other than the actual insurer is responsible for the obligations undertaken in the policy. The home office address of the insurer must prominently appear on each policy. Such address may be limited to a designation of the city and state in which the home office of the company is located.

    3. A form must be submitted in the final form in which it is to be marketed or issued, sufficiently completed in "John Doe" fashion to indicate how it is intended to be used, if formal approval is sought.

    4. Any policy form which is to be issued with an attached application must be filed with a copy of an application sufficiently completed to indicate its intended use. A reproduction of a completed portion of a previously approved application may be submitted for this purpose.

    5. Individual accident and sickness forms must be printed using a type size of at least 10 point. All other forms must be printed using a type size of at least eight point.

Historical Notes

Derived from RBI 1-77A, Case No. 19789, § 5, eff. May 1, 1977.

Statutory Authority

§ 38.2-223 of the Code of Virginia.