Chapter 91. Virginia Industrialized Building Safety Regulations  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. Application and compliance
Section 30. Purpose
Section 40. Inspection and enforcement by administrator
Section 50. Right of entry and examination by administrator
Section 60. Notice of violation from administrator
Section 70. Appeals
Section 80. Limitation of manufacturer's liability
Section 90. Penalty for violation
Section 100. Duties and responsibilities of building officials in the installation or erection of a registered industrialized building
Section 110. [Repealed]
Section 115. Change of occupancy classification
Section 120. Unregistered industrialized buildings
Section 130. [Repealed]
Section 140. Report to the SBCO
Section 150. When modification may be granted
Section 160. Use of model codes and standards
Section 170. Amendments to codes and standards
Section 180. Compliance assurance agencies
Section 190. Freedom from conflict of interest
Section 200. Information required by the administrator
Section 210. Compliance assurance agency certification label
Section 220. Mounting of compliance assurance agency certification label
Section 230. [Repealed]
Section 240. Control of compliance assurance agency certification label
Section 245. Manufacturer's data plate
Section 250. Industrialized buildings eligible for registration
Section 260. Registration seal for industrialized buildings
Section 270. Manufacturer's installation instructions and responsibilities of installers