Section 70. Allocation of credits  

Latest version.
  • At such time as one or more of an applicant's buildings or an applicant's development which has received a reservation of credits is (i) placed in service or satisfies the requirements of § 42(h)(1)(E) of the IRC and (ii) meets all of the preallocation requirements of this chapter, the binding commitment and any other applicable contractual agreements between the applicant and the authority, the applicant shall so advise the authority, shall request the allocation of all of the credits so reserved or such portion thereof to which the applicant's buildings or development is then entitled under the IRC, this chapter, the binding commitment and the aforementioned contractual agreements, if any, and shall submit such application, certifications, legal and accounting opinions, evidence as to costs, a breakdown of sources and uses of funds, pro forma financial statements setting forth anticipated cash flows, and other documentation as the executive director shall require in order to determine that the applicant's buildings or development is entitled to such credits as described above. The applicant shall certify to the authority the full extent of all federal, state and local subsidies which apply (or which the applicant expects to apply) with respect to the buildings or the development.

    As of the date of allocation of credits to any building or development and as of the date such building or such development is placed in service, the executive director shall determine the amount of credits to be necessary for the financial feasibility of the development and its viability as a qualified low-income housing development throughout the credit period under the IRC. In making such determinations, the executive director shall consider the sources and uses of the funds, the available federal, state and local subsidies committed to the development, the total financing planned for the development as well as the investment proceeds or receipts expected by the authority to be generated with respect to the development and the percentage of the credit dollar amount used for development costs other than the costs of intermediaries. He shall also examine the development's costs, including developer's fees and other amounts in the application, for reasonableness and, if he determines that such costs or other amounts are unreasonably high, he shall reduce them to amounts that he determines to be reasonable. The executive director shall review the applicant's projected rental income, operating expenses and debt service for the credit period. The executive director may establish such criteria and assumptions as he shall then deem reasonable (or he may apply the criteria and assumptions he established pursuant to 13VAC10-180-60) for the purpose of making such determinations, including, without limitation, criteria as to the reasonableness of fees and profits and assumptions as to the amount of net syndication proceeds to be received (based upon such percentage of the credit dollar amount used for development costs, other than the costs of intermediaries, as the executive director shall determine to be reasonable for the proposed development), increases in the market value of the development, and increases in operating expenses, rental income and, in the case of applications without firm financing commitments (as defined in 13VAC10-180-60) at fixed interest rates, debt service on the proposed mortgage loan. The amount of credits allocated to the applicant shall in no event exceed such amount as so determined by the executive director by more than a de minimis amount of not more than $100.

    Prior to allocating credits to an applicant, the executive director shall require the applicant to execute and deliver to the authority a valid IRS Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, naming the authority as the appointee to receive tax information. The Forms 8821 of all applicants will be forwarded to the IRS, which will authorize the IRS to furnish the authority with all IRS information pertaining to the applicants' developments, including audit findings and assessments.

    Prior to allocating the credits to an applicant, the executive director shall require the applicant to execute, deliver and record among the land records of the appropriate jurisdiction or jurisdictions an extended low-income housing commitment in accordance with the requirements of the IRC. Such commitment shall require that the applicable fraction (as defined in the IRC) for the buildings for each taxable year in the extended use period (as defined in the IRC) will not be less than the applicable fraction specified in such commitment and which prohibits both (i) the eviction or the termination of tenancy (other than for good cause) of an existing tenant of a low-income unit and (ii) any increase in the gross rent with respect to such unit not otherwise permitted under the IRC. The amount of credits allocated to any building shall not exceed the amount necessary to support such applicable fraction, including any increase thereto pursuant to § 42(f)(3) of the IRC reflected in an amendment to such commitment. The commitment shall provide that the extended use period will end on the day 15 years after the close of the compliance period (as defined in the IRC) or on the last day of any longer period of time specified in the application during which low-income housing units in the development will be occupied by tenants with incomes not in excess of the applicable income limitations; provided, however, that the extended use period for any building shall be subject to termination, in accordance with the IRC, (i) on the date the building is acquired by foreclosure or instrument in lieu thereof unless a determination is made pursuant to the IRC that such acquisition is part of an agreement with the current owner thereof, a purpose of which is to terminate such period or (ii) on the last day of the one-year period following the written request by the applicant as specified in the IRC (such period in no event beginning earlier than the end of the fourteenth year of the compliance period) if the authority is unable to present during such one-year period a qualified contract (as defined in the IRC) for the acquisition of the building by any person who will continue to operate the low-income portion thereof as a qualified low-income building. In addition, such termination shall not be construed to permit, prior to close of the three-year period following such termination, the eviction or termination of tenancy of any existing tenant of any low-income housing unit other than for good cause or any increase in the gross rents over the maximum rent levels then permitted by the IRC with respect to such low-income housing units. Such commitment shall also contain such other terms and conditions as the executive director may deem necessary or appropriate to assure that the applicant and the development conform to the representations, commitments and information in the application and comply with the requirements of the IRC and this chapter. Such commitment shall be a restrictive covenant on the buildings binding on all successors to the applicant and shall be enforceable in any state court of competent jurisdiction by individuals (whether prospective, present or former occupants) who meet the applicable income limitations under the IRC.

    In accordance with the IRC, the executive director may, for any calendar year during the project period (as defined in the IRC), allocate credits to a development, as a whole, which contains more than one building. Such an allocation shall apply only to buildings placed in service during or prior to the end of the second calendar year after the calendar year in which such allocation is made, and the portion of such allocation allocated to any building shall be specified not later than the close of the calendar year in which such building is placed in service. Any such allocation shall be subject to satisfaction of all requirements under the IRC.

    If the executive director determines that the buildings or development is so entitled to the credits, he shall allocate the credits (or such portion thereof to which he deems the buildings or the development to be entitled) to the applicant's qualified low-income buildings or to the applicant's development in accordance with the requirements of the IRC. If the executive director shall determine that the applicant's buildings or development is not so entitled to the credits, he shall not allocate the credits and shall so notify the applicant within a reasonable time after such determination is made. In the event that any such applicant shall not request an allocation of all of its reserved credits or whose buildings or development shall be deemed by the executive director not to be entitled to any or all of its reserved credits, the executive director may reserve or allocate, as applicable, such unallocated credits to the buildings or developments of other qualified applicants at such time or times and in such manner as he shall determine consistent with the requirements of the IRC and this chapter.

    The executive director may prescribe (i) such deadlines for submissions of requests for allocations of credits for any calendar year as he deems necessary or desirable to allow sufficient processing time for the authority to make such allocations within such calendar year and (ii) such deadlines for satisfaction of all preallocation requirements of the IRC the binding commitment, any contractual agreements between the authority and the applicant and this chapter as he deems necessary or desirable to allow the authority sufficient time to allocate to other eligible applicants any credits for which the applicants fail to satisfy such requirements.

    The executive director may make the allocation of credits subject to such terms as he may deem necessary or appropriate to assure that the applicant and the development comply with the requirements of the IRC.

    The executive director may also (to the extent not already required under 13VAC10-180-60) require that all applicants make such good faith deposits or execute such contractual agreements with the authority as the executive director may require with respect to the credits, (i) to ensure that the buildings or development are completed in accordance with the binding commitment, including all of the representations made in the application for which points were assigned pursuant to 13VAC10-180-60 and (ii) only in the case of any buildings or development which are to receive an allocation of credits hereunder and which are to be placed in service in any future year, to assure that the buildings or the development will be placed in service as a qualified low-income housing project (as defined in the IRC) in accordance with the IRC and that the applicant will otherwise comply with all of the requirements under the IRC.

    In the event that the executive director determines that a development for which an allocation of credits is made shall not become a qualified low-income housing project (as defined in the IRC) within the time period required by the IRC or the terms of the allocation or any contractual agreements between the applicant and the authority, the executive director may terminate the allocation and rescind the credits in accordance with the IRC and, in addition, may draw on any good faith deposit and enforce any of the authority's rights and remedies under any contractual agreement. An allocation of credits to an applicant may also be cancelled with the mutual consent of such applicant and the executive director. Upon the termination or cancellation of any credits, the executive director may reserve, allocate or carry over, as applicable, such credits in such manner as he shall determine consistent with the requirements of the IRC and this chapter.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR400-02-0011 § 1, eff. June 21, 1995; amended, Volume 12, Issue 11, eff. February 19, 1996; Volume 15, Issue 14, eff. March 10, 1999; Volume 16, Issue 11, eff. January 24, 2000; Volume 17, Issue 17, eff. April 9, 2001.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-55.30:3 of the Code of Virginia.