Section 40. Adoption of allocation plan; solicitations of applications  

Latest version.
  • The IRC requires that the authority adopt a qualified allocation plan which shall set forth the selection criteria to be used to determine housing priorities of the authority which are appropriate to local conditions and which shall give certain priority to and preference among developments in accordance with the IRC. The executive director from time to time may cause housing needs studies to be performed in order to develop the qualified allocation plan and, based upon any such housing needs study and any other available information and data, may direct and supervise the preparation of and approve the qualified allocation plan and any revisions and amendments thereof in accordance with the IRC. The IRC requires that the qualified allocation plan be subject to public approval in accordance with rules similar to those in § 147(f)(2) of the IRC. The executive director may include all or any portion of this chapter in the qualified allocation plan. However, the authority may amend the qualified allocation plan without public approval if required to do so by changes to the IRC.

    The executive director may from time to time take such action as he may deem necessary or proper in order to solicit applications for credits. Such actions may include advertising in newspapers and other media, mailing of information to prospective applicants and other members of the public, and any other methods of public announcement which the executive director may select as appropriate under the circumstances. The executive director may impose requirements, limitations and conditions with respect to the submission of applications and the selection thereof as he shall consider necessary or appropriate.

    No application for credits will be accepted for any building that has previously claimed credits and is still subject to the compliance period for such credits after the year such building is placed in service. Notwithstanding the limitation set forth in the previous sentence, an applicant may submit an application for credits for a building in which an extended low-income housing commitment has been terminated by foreclosure, provided the applicant has no relationship with the owner or owners of such building during its initial compliance period. No application will be accepted, and no reservation or allocation will be made, for credits available under § 42(h)(3)(C) in the case of any buildings or development for which tax-exempt bonds of the authority, or an issuer other than the authority, have been issued and which may receive credits without an allocation of credits under § 42(h)(3)(C).

Historical Notes

Derived from VR400-02-0011 § 1, eff. June 21, 1995; amended, Volume 12, Issue 11, eff. February 19, 1996; Volume 16, Issue 11, eff. January 24, 2000; Volume 17, Issue 17, eff. April 9, 2001; Volume 25, Issue 07, eff. January 1, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-55.30:3 of the Code of Virginia.