Section 420. Recovery fund established; assessments  

Latest version.
  • Part VII. Transaction Recovery Fund

    A. In accordance with § 36-85.31 of the Code of Virginia, the board shall establish a Manufactured Housing Transaction Recovery Fund. Any manufacturer, dealer, broker or salesperson licensed by the board under this chapter to operate in the Commonwealth of Virginia shall pay an initial assessment fee of the following amount into the fund:

    1. Manufacturer -- $4,000 for each separate manufacturing facility payable in one installment or $4,400 payable at $2,200 per year with the second payment due one year after initial licensing.

    2. Dealer -- $500 per retail location.

    3. Broker -- $500 per sales office.

    4. Salesperson -- $50 per individual.

    B. After the initial assessments have been paid, the board shall review the balance in the fund. In accordance with § 36-85.31 of the Code of Virginia, the minimum balance of the fund shall be $250,000. If the initial assessments fail to achieve this minimum balance, or if future payments from the fund deplete the fund below this minimum balance, the board shall set and collect reassessment fees to achieve and maintain this minimum balance. Before setting any reassessments, the board shall notify all regulants at least 30 days prior to any meeting to set reassessment fees, advising the regulants of the purpose of the meeting and the regulants' opportunity to provide comments and suggestions prior to and at the meeting. Failure to pay any reassessment fees assessed by the board shall result in suspension of the regulant's license until such time as the regulant pays the reassessment fee.

    C. All initial assessments and reassessments collected by the board under this chapter shall be deposited in an interest earning, special fund account by the State Treasurer in accordance with § 36-85.31 of the Code of Virginia. The board shall make appropriations from the fund in accordance with the express purposes set forth in Chapter 4.2 (§§ 36-85.16 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. Interest earned on the deposits of the fund shall accrue to the fund or may be used by the board to provide educational programs about manufactured homes to consumers.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR449-01-02 § 7.1, eff. April 1, 1994.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-85.18 of the Code of Virginia.