Section 135. IFC Chapter 9. Fire Protection Systems  

Latest version.
  • A. Change Section 901.3 to read:

    901.3. Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 107.2.

    B. Change Section 901.4.2 to read:

    901.4.2. Nonrequired fire protection systems. Nonrequired fire protection systems shall be maintained to function as originally installed. If any such systems are to be reduced in function or discontinued, approval shall be obtained from the building official in accordance with Section 103.8.1 of Part I of the USBC.

    C. Delete Section 901.4.4.

    D. Change Section 901.6 to read:

    901.6. Inspection, testing and maintenance. To the extent that equipment, systems, devices, and safeguards, such as fire detection, alarm and extinguishing systems, which were provided and approved by the building official when constructed, shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times. And where such equipment, systems, devices, and safeguards are found not to be in an operative condition, the fire official shall order all such equipment to be rendered safe in accordance with the USBC.

    E. Add Section 901.11 to read:

    901.11. Defective equipment. When the fire official determines through investigation or testing or reports by a nationally recognized testing agency that specific, required water sprinkler or water-spray extinguishing equipment has been identified as failing to perform or operate through not less than 30 randomly selected sprinkler heads at four or more building sites anywhere in the nation, the fire official shall order all such equipment to be rendered safe.

    F. Change Section 903.6 to read:

    903.6. Where required in existing buildings and structures. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in existing buildings and structures in accordance with Section 102.7 of this code.

    G. Delete Section 905.11.

    H. Change Item 1 in Section 906.1 to read:

    1. In Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, R-1, R-4 and S occupancies.


    1. In Groups A, B, and E occupancies equipped throughout with quick response sprinklers, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in Items 2 through 6.

    2. In Group I-3 occupancies, portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be located at staff locations and the access to such extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked.

    I. Add a note to Section 906.1 to read:

    Note: In existing buildings, whether fire extinguishers are needed is determined by the USBC or other code in effect when such buildings were constructed.

    J. Change Section 907.1 to read:

    907.1. General. This section covers the application, installation, performance and maintenance of fire alarm systems and their components in new and existing buildings and structures. The requirements of Section 907.2 are applicable to new buildings and structures.

    K. Change Section 907.8.2 to read:

    907.8.2. Testing. Testing shall be performed in accordance with the schedules in Chapter 10 of NFPA 72 or more frequently where required by the fire code official. Where automatic testing is performed at least weekly by a remotely monitored fire alarm control unit specifically listed for the application, the manual testing frequency shall be permitted to be extended to annual. In Group R-1 occupancies, battery-powered single station smoke detectors shall be tested and inspected at one-month intervals.

    Exception: Devices or equipment that are inaccessible for safety considerations shall be tested during scheduled shutdowns where approved by the fire code official, but not less than every 18 months.

    L. Change Section 907.8.5 to read:

    907.8.5. Maintenance, inspection and testing. The building owner shall be responsible for maintaining the fire and life safety systems in an operable condition at all times. Service personnel shall meet the qualification requirements of NFPA 72 for maintaining, inspecting and testing such systems. A written record shall be maintained and shall be made available to the fire code official. In addition to all applicable information contained in Figure of NFPA 72, the written record of inspections, testing and maintenance shall contain the following minimum information:

    1. Date, name and address of property.

    2. Name of person performing inspection, maintenance and tests, or combination thereof, and affiliation, business address and telephone number.

    3. Name, address and representative of approving agency or agencies.

    4. Test frequency.

    5. Designation of the detector or detectors tested (for example, "Test performed in accordance with Section _______.").

    6. Physical location (for example, "Heat detector in main kitchen; horn-strobe in Room 115.") and a list of all initiating and notification devices and appliances tested.

    7. Functional list of detectors and required sequence of operations.

    8. Check of all smoke detectors.

    9. Loop resistance for all fixed-temperature, line-type detectors.

    10. Other tests as required by either the equipment manufacturer's published instructions or the authority having jurisdiction.

    11. Signature of tester and approved authority representative.

    12. Disposition of problems identified during test (examples, "Owner notified," "Problem corrected or successfully retested, or both," "Device abandoned in place.").

    M. Delete Section 907.9.

    N. Change Section 908.7 to read:

    908.7. Carbon monoxide alarms. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be maintained as approved.

    O. Delete Section 908.7.1.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 16, Issue 20, eff. September 15, 2000; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 23, eff. September 15, 2000; Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 03, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; Volume 27, Issue 02, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 533 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Errata, 31:4 VA.R. 287 October 20, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 27-97 of the Code of Virginia.