Section 930. Fluoridation  

Latest version.
  • Where practicable and feasible, the board may require owners of waterworks to provide artificial fluoridation so as to bring the fluoride ion concentration to the optimum level as set forth in Article 1 of Part II.

    A. Prior to the issuance of a permit for fluoridation, plans, specifications, operating procedures, and methods of supervision shall be submitted to the division. These shall be in conformity with requirements to be determined for each individual installation by the division.

    B. Fluoride compounds. Commercial sodium fluoride, sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid shall conform to the applicable AWWA standards. Use of other chemicals which may be made available must be approved by the division.

    C. Fluoride compound storage. Compounds shall be stored in covered or unopened shipping containers in a separate room with the chemical feeder. The room must be provided with mechanical ventilation to the outside of the building.

    D. Chemical feed installations.

    1. Chemical feed installations shall conform to 12VAC5-590-860.

    2. Scales and loss of weight recorders for dry chemical feeders and hydrofluorosilicic acid feeders shall be provided.

    3. Feeders shall have an accuracy so that the actual feed rate will be within 5.0% of the intended feed rate.

    4. The point of application of hydrofluorosilicic acid, if into a pipe, shall be so located as to provide adequate mixing.

    5. All fluoride feed lines shall be provided with adequate antisiphon devices.

    6. The water applied to sodium fluoride saturator feeders shall be softened if hardness exceeds 75 milligrams per liter.

    7. Unless otherwise approved, fluoride shall be applied to the raw water with the feeder paced by the raw water meter.

    8. Provisions shall be made for venting hydrofluorosilicic acid carboys to the outside of the building when the carboys are in use.

    E. Suitable protective equipment shall be provided which includes gloves, aprons, dust mask, and goggles.

    F. Suitable equipment shall be provided for wetmopping and hosing dust that might accumulate in the plant. Dry feeders shall be equipped with bag loading hoppers.

    G. Equipment shall be provided for measuring the quantity of fluoride ion in the water. Testing equipment shall be colorimetric or electrode type as approved by the division.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-18-009.09 § 3.30, eff. August 1, 1991.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.