Section 530. Reporting  

Latest version.
  • A. The results of any required monitoring activity shall be reported by the owner (or their authorized agent) to the ODW no later than (i) the 10th day of the month following the month during which the test results were received, or (ii) the 10th day following the end of the monitoring period, whichever is shorter, unless stipulated otherwise by the commissioner. The results of any required monitoring activity shall be reported by the owner in a format prescribed by the commissioner.

    B. It shall be the duty and responsibility of an owner to report to the ODW in the most expeditious manner (usually by telephone) under the following circumstances. If it is done by telephone a confirming report shall be mailed as soon as practical.

    1. Bacteriological examination reporting

    a. When a bacteriological examination shows that samples are required (see 12VAC5-590-380 D), the owner shall collect the repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified of the positive result and shall report the repeat sample results to the appropriate ODW field office.

    b. Microbial contamination, as evidenced by one or more routine distribution system water samples indicating the presence of E. coli or waterborne pathogens, shall be reported by the owner to the appropriate ODW field office by the end of the day when the owner was notified of the test result, unless ODW's field office is closed, in which case ODW shall be notified before the end of the next business day.

    c. An E. coli PMCL violation shall be reported by the owner to the appropriate ODW field office by the end of the day when the owner was notified of the test result, unless the ODW field office is closed, in which case ODW shall be notified before the end of the next business day.

    d. Any owner who has failed to comply with the monitoring requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 shall report the monitoring violation to the appropriate ODW field office in writing within 10 days after the owner discovers the violation and shall notify the public in accordance with 12VAC5-590-540.

    2. When the daily average of turbidity testing exceeds 5.0 NTU a report shall be made within 48 hours.

    3. When a PMCL of an inorganic or organic chemical is exceeded for a single sample the owner shall report same within seven days. If any one sample result would cause the compliance average to be exceeded the owner shall report same in 48 hours.

    4. When the average value of samples collected pursuant to 12VAC5-590-410 exceeds the PMCL of any organic or inorganic chemical the owner shall report same within 48 hours.

    5. When the maximum contaminant level for radionuclides has been exceeded as determined by Table 2.5 the results shall be reported within 48 hours.

    6. The owner shall report to the district engineer within 48 hours the failure to comply with the monitoring and sanitary survey requirements of this chapter.

    7. The owner shall report to the district engineer within 48 hours the failure to comply with the requirements of any schedule prescribed pursuant to a variance or exemption.

    8. The owner shall report a Tier 1 violation or situation, as described in 12VAC5-590-540 A 1, to the district engineer as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours after the owner learns of the Tier 1 violation or situation. At the same time the report is made, the owner shall consult with the field office to determine the need for any additional actions to address the violation or situation.

    9. The owner shall report a violation of treatment technique requirement resulting from a single exceedance of the maximum allowable turbidity limit, as described in 12VAC5-590-420 B 2 a (2), B 2 a (3), B 2 b (2), B 2 c (2), and B 2 d, to the district engineer as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours after the owner learns of the violation. At the same time the report is made, the owner shall consult with the field office to determine the need for any additional actions to address the violation or situation.

    C. Reporting requirements for coliform treatment technique violations.

    1. Any owner who has violated the treatment technique required in 12VAC5-590-392 B shall report the violation to the appropriate ODW field office no later than the end of the next business day after learning of the violation and shall notify the public in accordance with 12VAC5-590-540.

    2. Any owner who is required to conduct an assessment under 12VAC5-590-392 C shall submit the assessment report within 30 days to the appropriate ODW field office.

    3. The owner shall notify the appropriate ODW field office in writing after each scheduled corrective action is completed for corrections that were not completed by the time of submission of the assessment form under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-392 C.

    D. The owner of a seasonal waterworks shall submit certification of completion of the approved start-up procedure to the commissioner prior to serving water.

    E. Reporting requirements for filtration treatment and disinfection treatment.

    1. The owner of a waterworks that provides filtration treatment shall report monthly to the commissioner the following specified information beginning June 29, 1993, or when filtration is installed, whichever is later.

    a. Turbidity measurements as required by 12VAC5-590-370 B 7 a shall be reported within 10 days after the end of each month the waterworks serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:

    (1) The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month.

    (2) The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month which are less than or equal to the turbidity limits specified in 12VAC5-590-420 B 2 for the filtration technology being used.

    (3) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month which exceed 5.0 NTU.

    b. The owner of a waterworks using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water that provides conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration shall report monthly to the commissioner the information specified in subdivisions E 1 a (1) and (2) of this section. Also, the owner of a waterworks that provides filtration approved under 12VAC5-590-420 B 2 d shall report monthly to the commissioner the information specified in subdivision E 1 a (1) of this section.

    (1) Turbidity measurements as required by 12VAC5-590-420 B 2 a (3) shall be reported within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:

    (a) The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month.

    (b) The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month that are less than or equal to the turbidity limits specified in 12VAC5-590-420 B 2 a (3) or 12VAC5-590-420 B 2 d.

    (c) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month that exceed 1.0 NTU for systems using conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration, or that exceed the maximum level set by the commissioner under 12VAC590-420 B 2 d.

    (2) The owner shall maintain the results of individual filter monitoring taken under 12VAC5-590-370 B 7 b (1) for at least three years. The owner shall report that he has conducted individual filter turbidity monitoring under 12VAC5-590-370 B 7 b (1) within 10 days after the end of each month the waterworks serves water to the public. Owners shall report individual filter turbidity measurement results taken under 12VAC5-590-370 B 7 b (1) within 10 days after the end of each month the waterworks serves water to the public only if measurements demonstrate one or more of the conditions in subdivisions E 1 b (2) (a) or (b) of this section. The owners of waterworks that use lime softening may apply to the commissioner for alternative exceedance levels for the levels specified in subdivisions E 1 b (2) (a) or (b) of this section if they can demonstrate that higher turbidity levels in individual filters are due to lime carryover only and not due to degraded filter performance.

    (a) For waterworks serving 10,000 or more people:

    (i) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart, the owner shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the date, or dates, on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the owner shall either produce a filter profile for the filter within seven days of the exceedance (if the owner is not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance) and report that the profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedance.

    (ii) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 0.5 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at the end of the first four hours of continuous filter operation after the filter has been backwashed or otherwise taken offline, the owner shall report the filter number, the turbidity, and the date, or dates, on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the owner shall either produce a filter profile for the filter within seven days of the exceedance (if the owner is not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance) and report that the profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedance.

    (iii) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of three consecutive months, the owner shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the date, or dates, on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the owner shall conduct a self-assessment of the filter within 14 days of the exceedance and report that the self-assessment was conducted. The self-assessment shall consist of at least the following components: assessment of filter performance; development of a filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections; and preparation of a filter self-assessment report.

    (iv) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of two consecutive months, the owner shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the date, or dates, on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the owner shall arrange for the conduct of a comprehensive performance evaluation by the commissioner or a third party approved by the commissioner no later than 30 days following the exceedance and have the evaluation completed and submitted to the commissioner no later than 90 days following the exceedance.

    (b) For waterworks serving less than 10,000 people:

    (i) For any individual filter (or the turbidity of combined filter effluent for systems with two filters that monitor combined filter effluent in lieu of individual filters) that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart, the owner shall report the filter number(s), the turbidity measurement(s), and the date, or dates, on which the exceedance occurred and the cause (if known) for the exceedance(s).

    (ii) For any individual filter (or the turbidity of combined filter effluent for systems with two filters that monitor combined filter effluent in lieu of individual filters) that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of three consecutive months, the owner shall conduct a self-assessment of the filter(s) within 14 days of the day the filter exceeded 1.0 NTU unless a comprehensive performance evaluation as specified in clause (iii) of this subdivision was required. Owners of waterworks with two filters that monitor the combined filter effluent in lieu of individual filters shall conduct a self assessment on both filters. The self-assessment shall be reported to the commissioner and consist of at least the following components: date self-assessment was triggered; date the self-assessment was completed; assessment of filter performance; development of a filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections; and preparation of a filter self-assessment report. The self assessment shall be submitted within 10 days after the end of the month or 14 days after the self assessment was triggered only if it was triggered during the last four days of the month.

    (iii) For any individual filter (or the turbidity of combined filter effluent for systems with two filters that monitor combined filter effluent in lieu of individual filters) that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of two consecutive months, the owner shall arrange for a comprehensive performance evaluation by the commissioner or a third party approved by the commissioner no later than 60 days following the day the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive months. The owner shall report within 10 days after the end of the month that a comprehensive performance evaluation is required and the date that it was triggered. If a comprehensive performance evaluation has been completed by the commissioner or a third party approved by the commissioner within the 12 prior months or the owner and the commissioner are jointly participating in an ongoing Comprehensive Technical Assistance project at the waterworks, a new comprehensive performance evaluation is not required. If conducted, a comprehensive performance evaluation shall be completed and submitted to the commissioner no later than 120 days following the day the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements for the second straight month.

    c. Reporting source water monitoring results.

    (1) Owners shall report results from the source water monitoring required in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 a no later than 10 days after the end of the first month following the month when the sample is collected.

    (2) Owners shall report the applicable information in subdivisions (a) and (b) as follows for the source water monitoring required in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 a.

    (a) Owners shall report the following data elements for each Cryptosporidium analysis:

    Data element

    PWS ID

    Facility ID

    Sample collection date

    Sample type (field or matrix spike)

    Sample volume filtered (L), to nearest ¼ L

    Was 100% of filtered volume examined

    Number of oocysts counted

    (i) For matrix spike samples, the owner shall also report the sample volume spiked and estimated number of oocysts spiked. These data are not required for field samples.

    (ii) For samples in which less than 10 L is filtered or less than 100% of the sample volume is examined, the owner shall also report the number of filters used and the packed pellet volume.

    (iii) For samples in which less than 100% of sample volume is examined, the owner shall also report the volume of resuspended concentrate and volume of this resuspension processed through immunomagnetic separation.

    (b) Owners shall report the following data elements for each E. coli analysis:

    Data element

    1. PWS ID

    2. Facility ID

    3. Sample collection date

    4. Analytical method number

    5. Method type

    6. Source type (flowing stream, lake/reservoir, GUDI)

    7. E. coli/100 mL

    8. Turbiditya

    aOwners of waterworks serving fewer than 10,000 people that are not required to monitor for turbidity under in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 a are not required to report turbidity with their E. coli results.

    2. Disinfection information specified below shall be reported to the district engineer within 10 days after the end of each month the waterworks serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:

    a. For each day, the lowest measurement of residual disinfectant concentration in mg/L in water entering the distribution system.

    b. The date and duration of each period when the residual disinfectant concentration in water entering the distribution system fell below 0.2 mg/L and when the district engineer was notified of the occurrence.

    c. The following information on the samples taken in the distribution system in conjunction with total coliform monitoring pursuant to 12VAC5-590-420 B.

    (1) Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured;

    (2) Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured but HPC is measured;

    (3) Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured but not detected and no HPC is measured;

    (4) Number of instances where no residual disinfectant concentration is detected and where HPC is greater than 500/mL;

    (5) Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured and HPC is greater than 500/mL;

    (6) For the current and previous month the system serves water to the public, the value of "V" in percent in the following formula:

    V =

    c + d + e

    X 100

    a + b

    a = the value in subdivision E 2 c (1) of this section

    b = the value in subdivision E 2 c (2) of this section

    c = the value in subdivision E 2 c (3) of this section

    d = the value in subdivision E 2 c (4) of this section

    e = the value in subdivision E 2 c (5) of this section

    (7) If the division determines, based on site specific considerations, that a waterworks owner has no means for having a sample transported and analyzed for HPC by a certified laboratory within the requisite time and temperature conditions and that the waterworks is providing adequate disinfection in the distribution system, the requirements of subdivision E 2 c (1) through (6) of this section do not apply.

    d. An owner need not report the data listed in subdivision E 2 a of this section if all data listed in subdivisions E 2 a through c of this section remain on file at the waterworks and the commissioner determines that the owner has submitted all of the information required by subdivisions E 2 a through c of this section for the last 12 months.

    3. If at any time the chlorine residual falls below 0.2 mg/L in the water entering the distribution system, the owner shall notify the district engineer as soon as possible, but no later than by the end of the next business day. The owner also shall notify the district engineer by the end of the next business day whether or not the residual was restored to at least 0.2 mg/L within four hours.

    F. Reporting requirements for lead and copper. All owners shall report all of the following information to the district engineer in accordance with this subsection.

    1. Reporting requirements for tap water monitoring for lead and copper and for water quality parameter monitoring.

    a. Except as provided in subdivision F 1 a (7) of this section, an owner shall report the information specified below for all tap water samples specified in 12VAC5-590-375 B and for all water quality parameter samples specified in 12VAC5-590-375 C within the first 10 days following the end of each applicable monitoring period specified in 12VAC5-590-375 B and 12VAC5-590-375 C (i.e., every six months, annually, every three years, or every nine years). For monitoring periods with a duration less than six months, the end of the monitoring period is the last date samples can be collected during the period as specified in 12VAC5-590-375 B and C.

    (1) The results of all tap samples for lead and copper including location or a location site code and the criteria under 12VAC5-590-375 B 1 c through 12VAC5-590-375 B 1 f or 12VAC5-590-375 C under which the site was selected for the waterworks' sampling pool.

    (2) Documentation for each tap water lead or copper sample for which the owner requests invalidation pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 6.

    (3) The 90th percentile lead and copper concentrations measured from among all lead and copper tap water samples collected during each monitoring period (calculated in accordance with 12VAC5-590-385 C) unless the district engineer calculates the 90th percentile lead and copper levels under subdivision F 8 of this section.

    (4) With the exception of initial tap sampling conducted pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 4 a, the owner shall designate any site that was not sampled during previous monitoring periods, and include an explanation of why sampling sites have changed.

    (5) The results of all tap samples for pH, and where applicable, alkalinity, calcium, conductivity, temperature, and orthophosphate or silica collected under 12VAC5-590-375 C 2 through 12VAC5-590-375 C 5.

    (6) The results of all samples collected at the entry point(s) to the distribution system for applicable water quality parameters under 12VAC5-590-375 C 2 through 12VAC5-590-375 C 5.

    (7) The owner shall report the results of all water quality parameter samples collected under 12VAC5-590-375 C 3 through 12VAC5-590-375 C 6 during each six month monitoring period specified in 12VAC5-590-375 C 4 within the first ten days following the end of the monitoring period unless the commissioner has specified a more frequent reporting requirement.

    b. The owner of a nontransient noncommunity waterworks, or a community waterworks meeting the criteria of 12VAC5-590-405 D 2 e, that does not have enough taps that can provide first-draw samples, must either:

    (1) Provide written documentation to the commissioner identifying standing times and locations for enough non-first-draw samples to make up the sampling pool under 12VAC5-590-375 B 2 e by the start of the first applicable monitoring period under 12VAC5-590-375 B 4, unless the commissioner has waived prior approval of non-first-draw sample sites selected by the owner pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 2 e; or

    (2) If the commissioner has waived prior approval of non-first-draw sample sites selected by the owner, identify, in writing, each site that did not meet the six hour minimum standing time and the length of standing time for that particular substitute sample collected pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 2 e and include this information with the lead and copper sample results required to be submitted pursuant to subdivision F 1 a (1) of this section.

    c. At a time specified by the commissioner, or if no specific time is designated by the commissioner, then as early as possible prior to the addition of a new source or any long-term change in water treatment, an owner deemed to have optimized corrosion control under 12VAC5-590-405 A 2 b (3); an owner subject to reduced monitoring pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 4 d; or an owner subject to a monitoring waiver pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 7, shall submit written documentation to the district engineer describing the change or addition. The district engineer must review and the commissioner must approve the addition of a new source or a long-term change in treatment before it is implemented by the owner. Examples of long-term treatment changes include the addition of a new treatment process or modification of an existing treatment process. Examples of modification include switching secondary disinfectants, switching coagulants (e.g., alum to ferric chloride), switching corrosion inhibitor products (e.g., orthophosphate to blended phosphate). Long-term changes can include dose changes to existing chemicals if the waterworks is planning long-term changes to its finished water pH or residual inhibitor concentration. Long-term treatment changes would not include chemical dose fluctuations associated with daily raw water quality changes.

    d. The owner of any small waterworks applying for a monitoring waiver under 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 or subject to a waiver granted pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 c, shall provide the following information to the commissioner in writing by the specified deadline:

    (1) By the start of the first applicable monitoring period in 12VAC5-590-375 B 4, the owner of any small waterworks applying for a monitoring waiver shall provide the documentation required to demonstrate that it meets the waiver criteria of 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 a and 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 b.

    (2) No later than nine years after the monitoring previously conducted pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 b or 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 d (1), the owner of each small waterworks desiring to maintain its monitoring waiver shall provide the information required by 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 d (1) and 12VAC5-590-375 B 7 d (2).

    (3) No later than 60 days after becoming aware that it is no longer free of lead-containing or copper-containing material, the owner of each small waterworks with a monitoring waiver shall provide written notification to the district engineer, setting forth the circumstances resulting in the lead-containing or copper-containing materials being introduced into the waterworks and what corrective action, if any, the owner plans to take to remove these materials.

    e. The owner of each groundwater-source waterworks that limits water quality parameter monitoring to a subset of entry points under 12VAC5-590-375 C 3 c shall provide, by the commencement of such monitoring, written correspondence to the district engineer that identifies the selected entry points and includes information sufficient to demonstrate that the sites are representative of water quality and treatment conditions throughout the waterworks.

    2. Water supply (source water) monitoring reporting requirements.

    a. An owner shall report the sampling results for all source water samples collected in accordance with 12VAC5-590-375 D within the first 10 days following the end of each source water monitoring period (i.e., annually, per compliance period, per compliance cycle) specified in 12VAC5-590-375 D.

    b. With the exception of the first round of source water sampling conducted pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 D 2, the owner shall specify any site which was not sampled during previous monitoring periods, and include an explanation of why the sampling point has changed.

    3. Corrosion control treatment reporting requirements. By the applicable dates under 12VAC5-590-405 A 2 a, owners shall report the following information:

    a. For owners demonstrating that they have already optimized corrosion control, information required in 12VAC5-590-405 A 2 b (2) or 12VAC5-590-405 A 2 b (3).

    b. For owners required to optimize corrosion control, the owner's recommendation regarding optimal corrosion control treatment under 12VAC5-590-405 A 1 a.

    c. For owners required to evaluate the effectiveness of corrosion control treatments under 12VAC5-590-405 A 1 c, the information required by that subdivision.

    d. For owners required to install optimal corrosion control designated by the commissioner under 12VAC5-590-405 A 1 d, a letter certifying that the owner has completed installing that treatment.

    4. Water supply source water treatment reporting requirements. By the applicable dates in 12VAC5-590-405 B, owners shall provide the following information to the district engineer:

    a. If required under 12VAC5-590-405 B 2 a, the owner's recommendation regarding source water treatment;

    b. For owners required to install source water treatment under 12VAC5-590-405 B 2 b, a letter certifying that the owner has completed installing the treatment designated by the commissioner within 24 months after the commissioner designated the treatment.

    5. Lead service line replacement reporting requirements. Owners shall report the following information to the district engineer to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 12VAC5-590-405 C:

    a. No later than 12 months after the end of a monitoring period in which a waterworks exceeds the lead action level in sampling referred to in 12VAC5-590-405 C 1, the owner shall submit written documentation to the district engineer of the materials evaluation conducted as required in 12VAC5-590-375 B 1, to identify the initial number of lead service lines in the distribution system at the time the waterworks exceeds the lead action level, and provide the owner's schedule for annually replacing at least 7.0% of the initial number of lead service lines in its distribution system.

    b. No later than 12 months after the end of a monitoring period in which a waterworks exceeds the lead action level in sampling referred to in 12VAC5-590-405 C 1, and every 12 months thereafter, the owner shall demonstrate to the district engineer in writing that the owner has either:

    (1) Replaced in the previous 12 months at least 7.0% of the initial lead service lines (or a greater number of lines specified by the commissioner under 12VAC5-590-405 C 6) in the distribution system, or

    (2) Conducted sampling that demonstrates that the lead concentration in all service line samples from an individual line(s), taken pursuant to 12VAC5-590-375 B 2 c, is less than or equal to 0.015 mg/L. In such cases, the total number of lines replaced and/or which meet the criteria in 12VAC5-590-405 C 4 shall equal at least 7.0% of the initial number of lead lines identified under subdivision F 5 a of this section (or the percentage specified by the commissioner under 12VAC5-590-405 C 6).

    c. The annual letter submitted to the district engineer under subdivision F 5 b of this section shall contain the following information:

    (1) The number of lead service lines scheduled to be replaced during the previous year of the waterworks' replacement schedule;

    (2) The number and location of each lead service line replaced during the previous year of the waterworks' replacement schedule;

    (3) If measured, the water lead concentration and location of each lead service line sampled, the sampling method, and the date of sampling.

    d. The owner of any waterworks that collects lead service line samples following partial lead service line replacement required by 12VAC5-590-405 C shall report the results to the district engineer within the first ten days of the month following the month in which the owner receives the laboratory results, or as specified by the commissioner. Owners shall also report any additional information as specified by the commissioner, and in a time and manner prescribed by the commissioner, to verify that all partial lead service line replacement activities have taken place.

    6. Public education program reporting requirements. Owners shall report the following information to the district engineer to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 12VAC5-590-405 D.

    a. The owner of any waterworks that is subject to the public education requirements in 12VAC5-590-405 D shall, within 10 days after the end of each period in which the owner is required to perform public education tasks in accordance with 12VAC5-590-405 D 2, send written notice to the district engineer that contains:

    (1) A demonstration that the owner has delivered the public education materials that meet the content requirements of 12VAC5-590-405 D 1 and the delivery requirements of 12VAC5-590-405 D 2, and

    (2) A list of all the newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and facilities and organizations to which the owner delivered public education materials during the period in which the owner was required to perform public education tasks.

    b. Unless required by the commissioner, an owner who previously has submitted the information required by subdivision F 6 a (2) of this section need not resubmit the information required by subdivision F 6 a (2) of this section, as long as there has been no changes in the distribution list and the owner certifies that the public education materials were distributed to the same list submitted previously.

    c. No later than three months following the end of the monitoring period, the owner shall mail a sample copy of the consumer notification of tap results to the district engineer along with a certification that the notification has been distributed in a manner consistent with the requirements of 12VAC5-590-405 D 4.

    7. Reporting of additional monitoring data. The owner of any waterworks which collects sampling data in addition to that required by 12VAC5-590-375 shall report the results to the district engineer within the first 10 days following the end of the applicable monitoring period under 12VAC5-590-375 B, 12VAC5-590-375 C, and 12VAC5-590-375 D during which the samples are collected.

    8. Reporting of the 90th percentile lead and copper concentrations where the district engineer calculates a waterworks' 90th percentile concentrations. An owner is not required to report the 90th percentile lead and copper concentrations measured from among all lead and copper tap samples collected during each monitoring period, as required by subdivision F 1 a (4) of this section if:

    a. The commissioner has previously notified the owner that the district engineer will calculate the waterworks' 90th percentile lead and copper concentrations, based on the lead and copper tap results submitted pursuant to subdivision F 8 b (1) of this section, and has specified a date before the end of the applicable monitoring period by which the owner shall provide the results of the lead and copper tap water samples;

    b. The owner has provided the following information to the district engineer by the date specified in subdivision F 8 a of this section:

    (1) The results of all tap samples for lead and copper including the location of each site and the criteria under 12VAC5-590-375 B 1 c through 12VAC5-590-375 B 1 f or 12VAC5-590-375 B 1 g under which the site was selected for the waterworks sampling pool, pursuant to subdivision F 1 a (1) of this section;

    (2) An identification of sampling sites utilized during the current monitoring period that were not sampled during the previous monitoring periods, and an explanation why sampling sites have changed; and

    (3) The district engineer has provided the results of the 90th percentile lead and copper calculations, in writing, to the owner before the end of the monitoring period.

    G. Reporting requirements for disinfection byproducts. Owners shall report the following information in accordance with subsection A of this section. (The district engineer may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the PMCL was violated, in lieu of having the owner report that information):

    1. Running Annual Average Reporting:

    a. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for TTHM and HAA5 under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 e (1) on a quarterly or more frequent basis shall report:

    (1) The number of samples taken during the last quarter.

    (2) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last quarter.

    (3) The arithmetic average of all samples taken in the last quarter.

    (4) The annual arithmetic average of the quarterly arithmetic averages of this section for the last four quarters.

    (5) Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 b (1) (a), the PMCL was violated.

    b. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 e (1) less frequently than quarterly (but at least annually) shall report:

    (1) The number of samples taken during the last year.

    (2) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last monitoring period.

    (3) The arithmetic average of all samples taken over the last year.

    (4) Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 b (1) (a) the PMCL was violated.

    c. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 e (1) less frequently than annually shall report:

    (1) The location, date, and result of the last sample taken.

    (2) Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 b (1) (a), the PMCL was violated.

    2. Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA) Reporting:

    a. Owners shall report the following information for each monitoring location to the commissioner:

    (1) Number of samples taken during the last quarter.

    (2) Date and results of each sample taken during the last quarter.

    (3) Arithmetic average of quarterly results for the last four quarters for each LRAA, beginning at the end of the fourth calendar quarter that follows the compliance date and at the end of each subsequent quarter. If the LRAA calculated based on fewer than four quarters of data would cause the PMCL to be exceeded regardless of the monitoring results of subsequent quarters, the owner shall report this information to the commissioner as part of the first report due following the compliance date or anytime thereafter that this determination is made. If the owner is required to conduct monitoring at a frequency that is less than quarterly, the owner shall make compliance calculations beginning with the first compliance sample taken after the compliance date, unless the owner is required to conduct increased monitoring under 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 e (3) (g).

    (4) Whether, based on Table 2.13, the PMCL was violated at any monitoring location.

    (5) Any operational evaluation levels, under 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 b (1) (b) (iv), that were exceeded during the quarter and, if so, the location and date, and the calculated TTHM and HAA5 levels.

    b. Owners of waterworks using surface water or GUDI seeking to qualify for or remain on reduced TTHM/HAA5 monitoring shall report the following source water TOC information for each treatment plant that treats surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water to the commissioner within 10 days of the end of any quarter in which monitoring is required:

    (1) The number of source water TOC samples taken each month during last quarter.

    (2) The date and result of each sample taken during last quarter.

    (3) The quarterly average of monthly samples taken during last quarter or the result of the quarterly sample.

    (4) The running annual average (RAA) of quarterly averages from the past four quarters.

    (5) Whether the RAA exceeded 4.0 mg/L.

    3. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for chlorite under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 f shall report:

    a. The number of entry point samples taken each month for the last three months.

    b. The location, date, and result of each sample (both entry point and distribution system) taken during the last quarter.

    c. For each month in the reporting period, the arithmetic average of all samples taken in each three sample set taken in the distribution system.

    d. Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 b, the PMCL was violated, in which month and how many times it was violated each month.

    4. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for bromate under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 g shall report:

    a. The number of samples taken during the last quarter.

    b. The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last quarter.

    c. The arithmetic average of the monthly arithmetic averages of all samples taken in the last year.

    d. Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 b, the PMCL was violated.

    H. Reporting requirements for disinfectants. Owners shall report the information specified below in accordance with subsection A of this section. (The district engineer may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the MRDL was violated, in lieu of having the owner report that information):

    1. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for chlorine or chloramines under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 h shall report:

    a. The number of samples taken during each month of the last quarter.

    b. The monthly arithmetic average of all samples taken in each month for the last 12 months.

    c. The arithmetic average of all monthly averages for the last 12 months.

    d. Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 c, the MRDL was violated.

    2. The owner of a waterworks monitoring for chlorine dioxide under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 h shall report:

    a. The dates, results, and locations of samples taken during the last quarter.

    b. Whether, based on 12VAC5-590-410 C 2 c, the MRDL was violated.

    c. Whether the MRDL was exceeded in any two consecutive daily samples and whether the resulting violation was acute or nonacute.

    I. Reporting requirements for disinfection byproduct precursors and enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening. Owners shall report the following information in accordance with subsection A of this section. (The district engineer may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the treatment technique was met, in lieu of having the owner report that information):

    1. The owner of a waterworks monitoring monthly or quarterly for TOC under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 i and required to meet the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening requirements in 12VAC5-590-420 H 2 b or c shall report:

    a. The number of paired (source water and treated water) samples taken during the last quarter.

    b. The location, date, and results of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter.

    c. For each month in the reporting period that paired samples were taken, the arithmetic average of the percent reduction of TOC for each paired sample and the required TOC percent removal.

    d. Calculations for determining compliance with the TOC percent removal requirements, as provided in 12VAC5-590-420 H 3 a.

    e. Whether the system is in compliance with the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening percent removal requirements in 12VAC5-590-420 H 2 a for the last four quarters.

    2. The owner of a waterworks monitoring monthly or quarterly for TOC under the requirements of 12VAC5-590-370 B 3 i and meeting one or more of the alternative compliance criteria in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b or c shall report:

    a. The alternative compliance criterion that the system is using.

    b. The number of paired samples taken during the last quarter.

    c. The location, date, and result of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter.

    d. The running annual arithmetic average based on monthly averages (or quarterly samples) of source water TOC for systems meeting a criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b (1) or (3) or of treated water TOC for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b (2).

    e. The running annual arithmetic average based on monthly averages (or quarterly samples) of source water SUVA for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b (5) or of treated water SUVA for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b (6).

    f. The running annual average of source water alkalinity for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b (3) and of treated water alkalinity for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 c (1).

    g. The running annual average for both TTHM and HAA5 for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b (3) or (4).

    h. The running annual average of the amount of magnesium hardness removal (as CaCO3, in mg/L) for systems meeting the criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 c (2).

    i. Whether the system is in compliance with the particular alternative compliance criterion in 12VAC5-590-420 H 1 b or c.

    J. Reporting of analytical results to the district engineer will not be required in instances where the state laboratory performs the analysis and reports same to the district engineer.

    K. Recycle flow reporting requirements. The owner of any waterworks supplied by a surface water source and waterworks supplied by a groundwater source under the direct influence of surface water that employs conventional filtration or direct filtration treatment shall notify the commissioner in writing by December 8, 2003, if the system recycles spent filter backwash water, thickener supernatant, or liquids from dewatering processes. This notification shall include, as a minimum:

    1. A plant schematic showing the origin of all flows that are recycled, including but not limited to spent filter backwash water, thickener supernatant, and liquids from dewatering processes. The schematic shall also specify the hydraulic conveyance used to transport all recycle flows and the location where recycle flows are reintroduced back into the treatment plant.

    2. Typical recycle flow in gallons per minute (gpm), the highest observed plant flow experienced in the previous year (gpm), design flow for the treatment plant (gpm), and state-approved operating capacity for the plant.

    L. Reporting of requirements for enhanced treatment for cryptosporidium.

    1. Owners shall report sampling schedules under 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 a (5) and source water monitoring results under subsection E 1 c of this section unless they notify the commissioner that they will not conduct source water monitoring due to meeting the criteria of 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 a (4).

    2. Owners shall report the use of uncovered finished water storage facilities to the commissioner as described in 12VAC5-590-420 L.

    3. Owners of waterworks that provide filtration shall report their Cryptosporidium bin classification as described in 12VAC-590-420 B 3 c.

    4. Owners shall report disinfection profiles and benchmarks to the commissioner as described in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 b (1) through (2) prior to making a significant change in disinfection practice.

    5. Owners shall report to the commissioner in accordance with the following table for any microbial toolbox options used to comply with treatment requirements under 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (2). Alternatively, the commissioner may approve a waterworks to certify operation within required parameters for treatment credit rather than reporting monthly operational data for toolbox options.

    Microbial Toolbox Reporting Requirements

    Toolbox option

    Owners shall submit the following information

    On the following schedule

    Alternative source/intake management

    Verification that waterworks has relocated the intake or adopted the intake withdrawal procedure reflected in monitoring results

    No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).


    Monthly verification of the following:

    (i) Continuous basin operation

    (ii) Treatment of 100% of the flow

    (iii) Continuous addition of a coagulant

    (iv) At least 0.5-log mean reduction of influent turbidity or compliance with alternative performance criteria approved by the commissioner

    Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Two-stage lime softening

    Monthly verification of the following:

    (i) Chemical addition and hardness precipitation occurred in two separate and sequential softening stages prior to filtration

    (ii) Both stages treated 100% of the plant flow

    Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Bank filtration

    Initial demonstration of the following:

    (i) Unconsolidated, predominantly sandy aquifer

    (ii) Setback distance of at least 25 ft. (0.5-log credit) or 50 ft. (1.0-log credit)

    No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    If monthly average of daily max turbidity is greater than 1.0 NTU then system shall report result and submit an assessment of the cause

    Report within 30 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Combined filter performance

    Monthly verification of combined filter effluent (CFE) turbidity levels less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of the four-hour CFE measurements taken each month

    Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Individual filter performance

    Monthly verification of the following:

    (i) Individual filter effluent (IFE) turbidity levels less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of samples each month in each filter

    (ii) No individual filter greater than 0.3 NTU in two consecutive readings 15 minutes apart

    Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Demonstration of performance

    Results from testing following a protocol approved by the commissioner

    No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    (ii) As required by the commissioner, monthly verification of operation within conditions of commissioner approval for demonstration of performance credit

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Bag filters and cartridge filters

    Demonstration that the following criteria are met:

    (i) Process meets the definition of bag or cartridge filtration

    (ii) Removal efficiency established through challenge testing that meets criteria in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 d (6) (a)

    No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Monthly verification that 100% of plant flow was filtered

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Membrane filtration

    Results of verification testing demonstrating the following:

    (i) Removal efficiency established through challenge testing that meets criteria in subsection J of this section

    (ii) Integrity test method and parameters, including resolution, sensitivity, test frequency, control limits, and associated baseline

    No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Monthly report summarizing the following:

    (i) All direct integrity tests above the control limit

    (ii) If applicable, any turbidity or alternative indirect integrity monitoring approved by the commissioner results triggering direct integrity testing and the corrective action that was taken

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Second stage filtration

    Monthly verification that 100% of flow was filtered through both stages and that first stage was preceded by a coagulation step

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Slow sand filtration (as secondary filter)

    Monthly verification that both a slow sand filter and a preceding separate stage of filtration treated 100% of flow from surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water sources

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Chlorine dioxide

    Summary of CT values for each day as described in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 d (7)(b)(i)

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).


    Summary of CT values for each day as described in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 d (7)(b)(ii)

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).


    Validation test results demonstrating operating conditions that achieve required UV dose

    No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    Monthly report summarizing the percentage of water entering the distribution system that was not treated by UV reactors operating within validated conditions for the required dose as specified in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 d (7) (c)

    Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in 12VAC5-590-420 B 3 c (3).

    M. Reporting requirements for groundwater systems. Owners of groundwater systems shall report the following information in accordance with subsection A of this section.

    1. Owners of groundwater systems conducting compliance monitoring as required by 12VAC5-590-421 C shall notify the ODW as soon as possible any time the groundwater system fails to meet the ODW specified minimum residual disinfectant concentration for more than four hours, but no later than the next business day.

    2. Owners of groundwater systems that are required to conduct corrective action as described in 12VAC5-590-421 A shall notify the ODW within 30 days of completion of corrective action.

    3. Owners of groundwater systems subject to the source monitoring requirements of 12VAC5-590-379 that do not conduct this monitoring under the provision of 12VAC5-590-380 E, shall provide documentation to the ODW within 30 days of the collection that the sample met the criteria defined in 12VAC5-590-380 E.

    N. Information to be included on the operation monthly report shall be determined by the commissioner for each waterworks on an individual basis. Appendix G contains suggested monthly operation report requirements.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-18-005.09 § 2.20, eff. August 1, 1991; amended, Volume 09, Issue 17, eff. June 23, 1993; Volume 12, Issue 02, eff. November 15, 1995; Volume 18, Issue 19, eff. July 3, 2002; Volume 19, Issue 17, eff. June 4, 2003; Volume 19, Issue 20, eff. July 16, 2003; Volume 19, Issue 24, eff. September 10, 2003; Volume 21, Issue 13, eff. April 6, 2005; Volume 22, Issue 21, eff. July 26, 2006; Volume 25, Issue 05, eff. December 10, 2008; Volume 27, Issue 01, eff. October 13, 2010; Volume 28, Issue 05, eff. December 7, 2011; Volume 33, Issue 03, eff. November 2, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.