Section 520. Waterworks expansion  

Latest version.
  • A. At such time as the water production of a community waterworks reaches 80% of the rated capacity of the waterworks for any consecutive three-month period, the owner shall cause plans and specifications to be developed for expansion of the waterworks to include a schedule for construction; however, if it can be shown by the owner that growth within the service area is limited and will not exceed the rated capacity of the waterworks or if unusual transient conditions caused production to reach the 80% level, preparation of plans and specifications for expansion will no longer be required.

    B. All waterworks shall provide metering of total water production.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-18-005.08 § 2.19, eff. August 1, 1991; amended, Volume 09, Issue 17, eff. June 23, 1993.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.