Section 505. Emergency management plan for extended power outages  

Latest version.
  • A. Each community waterworks (including consecutive waterworks) shall develop and maintain an emergency management plan for extended power outages.

    B. Each plan shall be kept current and shall be kept at a location that is readily accessible in the event of an extended power outage.

    C. Each community waterworks shall certify in writing to the appropriate field office of the Office of Drinking Water in the Department of Health that the waterworks has completed such plan.

    D. Each plan shall address the following where applicable:

    1. Identification of the criteria (events, duration of power outage, etc.) that will initiate activation of the plan.

    2. How the community waterworks will respond to an extended power outage for a minimum of five days.

    3. Procedures for obtaining and distributing potable water in the event that primary source(s) becomes unavailable.

    4. Notification procedures and example notices to the public and media (local radio stations, television stations, local newspapers, etc.) including conservation and boil water advisories.

    5. Emergency disinfection procedures for distribution system(s) and storage tank(s).

    6. The telephone number of the appropriate field office of the Office of Drinking Water in the Virginia Department of Health.

    7. The names and telephone numbers of the waterworks personnel who should be notified.

    8. The name and telephone number of the Local Emergency Coordinator designated by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.

    9. The names and telephone numbers of the electric power, natural gas, and propane distributors, or other energy supplier to the waterworks.

    Statutory Authority

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 01, eff. October 18, 2006.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.