Section 480. Analytical laboratory control  

Latest version.
  • A. Analyses and tests at waterworks are made for four main purposes: to control plant operation, to record plant performance, to improve plant performance, and to undertake fundamental research of value to the plant and to the profession in general. Tests designed to control operation should present evidence that:

    1. The water has been properly prepared for each major key step in the treatment process;

    2. Each key process such as mixing, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, softening, iron and manganese removal, disinfection, and taste and odor control has proceeded according to plan; and

    3. The finished product is clean, free from taste or odor, free from undesirable chemical characteristics, and safe for human consumption.

    B. Laboratory analyses shall conform with the most current edition available of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation, or analytical methods approved by the division. Ample laboratory space shall be provided.

    1. Chemical. The analyses listed below are the minimum required. Additional testing may be required by the division.

    a. Waterworks utilizing treatment for turbidity removal shall provide equipment for the analysis of pH, alkalinity, hardness, turbidity, water temperature and coagulation dosage. An electric pH meter must be provided; however, a color comparator may be used as a back-up unit. Turbidities must be determined by the use of a nephelometer. Minimum equipment for coagulation control shall be a multiple jar stirring machine.

    b. Waterworks providing softening only and utilizing chemical precipitation shall provide equipment for analysis of pH utilizing an electric pH meter, alkalinity, hardness, water temperature, and chemical dosage for precipitation utilizing a multiple jar stirring machine.

    c. Waterworks providing iron and manganese removal by chemical precipitation shall provide equipment for analysis of pH, alkalinity, iron, manganese, and water temperature.

    d. Waterworks providing fluoridation shall provide equipment for analysis of the fluoride ion concentration and water temperature.

    e. Waterworks providing chlorination or rechlorination shall provide equipment for the analysis of chlorine residual and temperature.

    f. Waterworks providing iron and manganese removal by ion exchange and or softening by ion exchange shall provide equipment for the analysis of iron and manganese, or hardness.

    2. Bacteriological. Only results of bacteriological analyses performed by the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services, or by laboratories and laboratory personnel certified by the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services will be acceptable.

    a. The number and frequency of bacteriological sampling shall comply with Article 1 of Part II. Additional analyses may be necessary when deemed so by the division.

    b. Waterworks having a rated capacity of 3.0 mgd or more or serving an equivalent of 30,000 persons or more shall provide laboratory space and equipment for routine bacteriological analysis.

    c. Bacteriological sampling in accordance with Article 1 of Part II is required by all waterworks.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-18-005.04 § 2.15, eff. August 1, 1991; amended, Volume 09, Issue 17, eff. June 23, 1993.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.