Section 40. Administration of regulations  

Latest version.
  • These regulations are administered by the following parties:

    1. State Board of Health, which has responsibility for promulgating, amending, and repealing regulations which ensure a supply of pure water.

    2. State Health Commissioner, who is the executive officer of the State Board of Health with the authority of the board when it is not in session and subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the board.

    3. Division of Water Supply Engineering, which is designated as the primary reviewing agent of the board for the purpose of administering this chapter. It examines and passes upon the technical aspects of all applications and plans for waterworks projects prior to the drafting of a permit for final approval by the State Health Commissioner. It also has primary responsibility for monitoring waterworks operations to ensure that water supplied to the public is pure water.

    4. Central and field offices, which are maintained by the division, the central office is located in Richmond, Virginia. The Office of Water Programs maintains six field offices which are responsible for activities of the division within their service areas. Applications for waterworks permits should be submitted to the appropriate field office. The addresses of the field offices and a description of the areas that they serve are listed in Appendix C.

    5. Waterworks Advisory Committee, which shall be appointed by the commissioner, shall consist of thirteen appointed members and three ex officio members specified below. The commissioner shall appoint to the Waterworks Advisory Committee one individual each from the following: a member of the Virginia Section American Water Works Association; a member of the Virginia Society of Professional Engineers; a member of the Virginia Water Well Association, Inc.; a member of the Consulting Engineers Council; a water treatment plant operator having a valid license of the highest classification in waterworks issued by the State Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators; a faculty member of a state university or college whose principal field of teaching is Environmental Engineering; a community waterworks owner; a nontransient noncommunity (NTNC) representative; a representative from Virginia Rural Water Association; a representative from Virginia Water Projects, Inc.; a representative from the Virginia Municipal League; a representative from the Virginia Association of Counties; and a citizen representative. Ex officio members shall consist of the Director, Office of Water Programs, who shall act as chairman; Director, Division of Water Supply Engineering; and Director, Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services or their designees.

    Appointed members shall serve at the discretion of the commissioner with staggered terms being of three years in duration. The Waterworks Advisory Committee shall make recommendations to the commissioner regarding waterworks and water supply policies, procedures and programs of the division.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-18-002.03 § 1.5, eff. August 1, 1991; amended, Volume 09, Issue 20, eff. June 23, 1993.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-170 of the Code of Virginia.