Section 40. Licensing process  

Latest version.
  • A. Upon request, the OLC will provide consultation to any person seeking information about obtaining a license. The purpose of such consultation is to:

    1. Explain the standards and the licensing process;

    2. Provide assistance in locating other sources of information;

    3. Review the potential applicant's proposed program plans, forms, and other documents, as they relate to standards; and

    4. Alert the potential applicant regarding the need to meet other state and local ordinances, such as fire and building codes and environmental health standards, where applicable.

    B. Upon request, the OLC will provide an application form for a license to operate a nursing facility.

    C. The OLC shall consider the application complete when all requested information and the application fee is submitted with the form required. If the OLC finds the application incomplete, the applicant will be notified of receipt of the incomplete application.

    D. The applicant shall complete and submit the initial application to the OLC at least 30 days prior to a planned opening date to allow the OLC time to act on the application. An application for a license may be withdrawn at any time.

    E. Application for initial license of a nursing facility shall include a statement of any agreement made with the commissioner as a condition for Certificate of Public Need approval to provide a level of care at a reduced rate to indigents or accept patients requiring specialized care.

    Any initial license issued to any nursing facility that made such agreement as a condition of its Certificate of Public Need approval shall not be renewed without demonstrating prior to or at the time of applying for renewal that it is substantially complying with its agreement.

    F. The renewal of a nursing facility license shall be conditioned upon the up-to-date payment of any civil penalties owed as a result of willful refusal, failure, or neglect to honor certain conditions established in their award of a Certificate of Public Need pursuant to § 32.1-102.4 F of the Code of Virginia.

    G. Prior to changes in operation which would affect the terms of the license, the licensee must secure a modification to the terms of the license from the OLC.

    H. Requests to modify a license must be submitted in writing, 30 working days in advance of any proposed changes, to the Director of the Office of Licensure and Certification.

    I. The license shall be returned to the OLC following a correction or reissuance when there has been a change in:

    1. Address;

    2. Operator;

    3. Name; or

    4. Bed capacity.

    J. The OLC will evaluate written information about any planned changes in operation which would affect either the terms of the license or the continuing eligibility for a license. A licensing representative may visit the facility during the process of evaluating a proposed modification.

    K. If a modification can be granted, the OLC shall respond in writing with a modified license. In the event a new application is needed, the licensee will receive written notification. When the modification cannot be granted, the licensee shall be advised by letter.

    L. The department shall send an application for renewal of the license to the licensee prior to the expiration date of the current license.

    M. The licensee shall submit the completed renewal application form along with any required attachments and the application fee by the date indicated in the cover letter.

    N. It is the licensee's responsibility to complete and return the application to assure timely processing. Should a current license expire before a new license is issued, the current license shall remain in effect provided the complete and accurate application was filed on time.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 13, Issue 17, eff. July 1, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 18, Issue 10, eff. February 28, 2002; Volume 23, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2007.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-127 of the Code of Virginia.