Section 110. Management and administration  

Latest version.
  • Part II. Administrative Services

    A. No person shall own, establish, conduct, maintain, manage, or operate any nursing facility, as defined in § 32.1-123 of the Code of Virginia, without having obtained a license.

    B. The nursing facility must comply with:

    1. These regulations (12VAC5-371);

    2. Other applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations; and

    3. Its own policies and procedures.

    C. The nursing facility shall submit, or make available, reports and information necessary to establish compliance with these regulations and applicable statutes.

    D. The nursing facility shall submit, in a timely manner as determined by the OLC, and implement a written plan of action to correct any noncompliance with these regulations identified during an inspection. The plan shall include:

    1. Description of the corrective action or actions to be taken;

    2. Date of completion for each action; and

    3. Signature of the person responsible for the operation.

    E. The nursing facility shall permit representatives from the OLC to conduct inspections to:

    1. Verify application information;

    2. Determine compliance with this chapter;

    3. Review necessary records; and

    4. Investigate complaints.

    F. The current license from the department shall be posted in a place clearly visible to the general public.

    G. The nursing facility shall not operate more resident beds than the number for which it is licensed.

    H. The nursing facility shall fully disclose its admission policies, including any preferences given, to applicants for admission.

    I. The nursing facility shall identify its operating elements and programs, the internal relationship among these elements and programs, and the management or leadership structure.

    J. The facility shall provide, or arrange for, the administration to its residents of an annual influenza vaccination and a pneumonia vaccination according to the most recent recommendations for "Prevention and Control of Influenza" (, MMWR 53 (RR06), and "Guidelines for Preventing Health Care-Associated Pneumonia, 2003" (, MMWR 53 (RR03), of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unless the vaccination is medically contraindicated or the resident declines the vaccination offer.

    K. Upon request of the facility's family council, the facility shall send notices and information about the family council mutually developed by the family council and the administration of the nursing home, and provided to the facility for such purpose, to the listed responsible party or a contact person of the resident's choice up to six times a year. Such notices may be included together with a monthly billing statement or other regular communication. Notices and information shall also be posted in a designated location within the nursing facility.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 13, Issue 17, eff. July 1, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 20, Issue 26, eff. September 27, 2004; Volume 23, Issue 10, eff. March 1, 2007; Volume 27, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-127 of the Code of Virginia.