Section 460. Revocation of certificate  

Latest version.
  • A. Lack of progress. Failure of any project to meet the progress requirements stated in 12VAC5-220-450 shall be cause for certificate revocation, unless the commissioner determines sufficient justification exists to permit variance, considering factors enumerated in 12VAC5-220-450.

    B. Failure to report progress. Failure of an applicant to file progress reports on an approved project in accordance with 12VAC5-220-450 shall be cause for revocation, unless, due to extenuating circumstances, the commissioner, in his sole discretion, extends the certificate, in accordance with subsection B of 12VAC5-220-440.

    C. Unapproved changes. Exceeding a capital expenditure amount not authorized by the commissioner or not consistent with the schedule of completion shall be cause for revocation. See definition of "significant change" and "schedule of completion."

    D. Failure to initiate construction. Failure to initiate construction of the project within two years following the date of issuance of the certificate of public need shall be cause for revocation, unless due to extenuating circumstances the commissioner extends the certificate, in accordance with subsection B of 12VAC5-220-440.

    E. Misrepresentation. Upon determination that an applicant has knowingly misrepresented or knowingly withheld relevant data or information prior to issuance of a certificate of public need, the commissioner may revoke said certificate.

    F. Noncompliance with assurances. Failure to comply with the assurances or intentions set forth in the application or written assurances provided at the time of issuance of a certificate of public need shall be cause for revocation.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-30-000 § 7.4, eff. June 30, 1993; amended, Volume 10, Issue 17, eff. June 15, 1994; recodified, Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 07, eff. January 24, 1997.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-102.2 of the Code of Virginia.