Section 450. Demonstration of progress  

Latest version.
  • The applicant shall provide reports to demonstrate progress made towards the implementation of an authorized project in accordance with the schedule of development which shall be included in the application. Such progress reports shall be filed in accordance with the following intervals and contain such evidence as prescribed at each interval:

    A. Twelve months following issuance. Documentation that shows: (i) proof of ownership or control of site; (ii) the site meets all zoning and land use requirements; (iii) architectural planning has been initiated; (iv) preliminary architectural drawings and working drawings have been submitted to appropriate state reviewing agencies and the State Fire Marshal; (v) construction financing has been completed or will be completed within two months and (vi) purchase orders or lease agreements exist for equipment and new service projects.

    B. Twenty-four months following issuance. Documentation that shows that (i) all required financing is completed; (ii) preconstruction site work has been initiated; (iii) construction bids have been advertised and the construction contractor has been selected; (iv) the construction contract has been awarded and (v) construction has been initiated.

    C. Upon completion of a project. Any documentation not previously provided which: (i) shows the final costs of the project, including the method(s) of financing; and (ii) shows that the project has been completed as proposed in accordance with the application originally submitted, including any subsequent approved changes. See "completion" as defined in 12VAC5-220-10.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR355-30-000 § 7.3, eff. June 30, 1993; amended, Volume 10, Issue 17, eff. June 15, 1994; recodified, Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 07, eff. January 24, 1997.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-102.2 of the Code of Virginia.