Section 190. Fair hearing request denial or dismissal  

Latest version.
  • Per 7 CFR 246.9, the state and local agencies shall not deny or dismiss a request for a hearing unless:

    1. The request is not received within the time limit set by the state agency;

    2. The request is withdrawn in writing by the appellant or a representative of the appellant;

    3. The appellant or representative fails, without good cause, to appear at the scheduled hearing; or

    4. The appellant has been denied participation by a previous hearing and cannot provide evidence that circumstances relevant to program eligibility have changed in such a way as to justify a hearing.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 19, eff. May 26, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 22, eff. July 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-12 of the Code of Virginia; 7 CFR Part 246.