Section 990. Recreation  

Latest version.
  • A. The provider shall have a written description of its recreation program that describes activities that are consistent with the facility's total program and with the ages, developmental levels, interests, and needs of the residents that includes:

    1. Opportunities for individual and group activities;

    2. Free time for residents to pursue personal interests that shall be in addition to a formal recreation program, except this subdivision does not apply to secure custody facilities;

    3. Use of available community recreational resources and facilities, except this subdivision does not apply to secure custody facilities;

    4. Scheduling of activities so that they do not conflict with meals, religious services, educational programs, or other regular events; and

    5. Regularly scheduled indoor and outdoor recreational activities that are structured to develop skills and attitudes.

    B. The provider shall develop and implement written policies and procedures to ensure the safety of residents participating in recreational activities that include:

    1. How activities will be directed and supervised by individuals knowledgeable in the safeguards required for the activities;

    2. How residents are assessed for suitability for an activity and the supervision provided; and

    3. How safeguards for water-related activities will be provided, including ensuring that a certified lifeguard supervises all swimming activities.

    C. For all overnight recreational trips away from the facility the provider shall document trip planning to include:

    1. A supervision plan for the entire duration of the activity including awake and sleeping hours;

    2. A plan for safekeeping and distribution of medication;

    3. An overall emergency, safety, and communication plan for the activity including emergency numbers of facility administration;

    4. Staff training and experience requirements for each activity;

    5. Resident preparation for each activity;

    6. A plan to ensure that all necessary equipment for the activity is in good repair and appropriate for the activity;

    7. A trip schedule giving addresses and phone numbers of locations to be visited and how the location was chosen/evaluated;

    8. A plan to evaluate residents' physical health throughout the activity and to ensure that the activity is conducted within the boundaries of the resident's capabilities, dignity, and respect for self-determination;

    9. A plan to ensure that a certified life guard supervises all swimming activities in which residents participate; and

    10. Documentation of any variations from trip plans and reason for the variation.

    D. All overnight out-of-state or out-of-country recreational trips require written permission from each resident's legal guardian. Documentation of the written permission shall be kept in the resident's record.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. August 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 37.2-408 and 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.