Section 900. Behavior support  

Latest version.
  • A. Within 30 days of admission, the provider shall develop and implement a written behavior support plan that allows the resident to self-manage his own behaviors. Each individualized behavior support plan shall include:

    1. Identification of positive and problem behavior;

    2. Identification of triggers for behaviors;

    3. Identification of successful intervention strategies for problem behavior;

    4. Techniques for managing anger and anxiety; and

    5. Identification of interventions that may escalate inappropriate behaviors.

    B. Individualized behavior support plans shall be developed in consultation with the:

    1. Resident;

    2. Legal guardian;

    3. Resident's parents, if appropriate;

    4. Program director;

    5. Placing agency staff; and

    6. Other appropriate individuals.

    C. Prior to working alone with an assigned resident each staff member shall demonstrate knowledge and understanding of that resident's behavior support plan.

    D. Each provider shall develop and implement written policies and procedures concerning behavior support plans and other behavioral interventions that are directed toward maximizing the growth and development of the resident. In addition to addressing the previous requirements of this regulation, these policies and procedures shall:

    1. Define and list techniques that are used and are available for use in the order of their relative degree of intrusiveness or restrictiveness;

    2. Specify the staff members who may authorize the use of each technique;

    3. Specify the processes for implementing such policies and procedures;

    4. Specify the mechanism for monitoring the use of behavior support techniques; and

    5. Specify the methods for documenting the use of behavior support techniques.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. August 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 37.2-408 and 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.