Section 765. Discharge  

Latest version.
  • A. The provider shall have written criteria for discharge that shall include:

    1. Criteria for a resident's completing the program that are consistent with the facility's programs and services;

    2. Conditions under which a resident may be discharged before completing the program; and

    3. Procedures for assisting placing agencies in placing the residents should the facility cease operation.

    B. The provider's criteria for discharge shall be accessible to prospective residents, legal guardians, and placing agencies.

    C. The record of each resident discharged upon receipt of the order of a court of competent jurisdiction shall contain a copy of the court order.

    D. Residents shall be discharged only to the legal guardian or legally authorized representative.

    E. A facility approved to provide residential respite care shall discharge a resident when the legal guardian no longer intends to use the facility's services.

    F. Information concerning current medications, need for continuing therapeutic interventions, educational status, and other items important to the resident's continuing care shall be provided to the legal guardian or legally authorized representative, as appropriate.

    G. Unless discharge is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction prior to the planned discharge date, each resident's record shall contain:

    1. Documentation that discharge has been planned and discussed with the parent, if appropriate; legal guardian; child-placing agency; and resident; and

    2. A written discharge plan.

    H. Discharge summaries.

    1. No later than 30 days after discharge, a comprehensive discharge summary shall be placed in the resident's record and sent to the persons or agency that made the placement. The discharge summary shall review:

    a. Services provided to the resident;

    b. The resident's progress toward meeting individualized service plan objectives;

    c. The resident's continuing needs and recommendations, if any, for further services and care;

    d. Reasons for discharge and names of persons to whom the resident was discharged;

    e. Dates of admission and discharge; and

    f. Date the discharge summary was prepared and the signature of the person preparing it.

    2. In lieu of a comprehensive discharge summary, the record of each resident discharged upon receipt of the order of a court of competent jurisdiction shall contain a copy of the court order.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. August 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 37.2-408 and 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.