Section 20. Service description and applications; required elements  

Latest version.
  • A. In order to determine whether an applicant is subject to these regulations, the applicant must submit a service description initially.

    B. Each provider shall have a written service description that accurately describes its structured program of care and treatment consistent with the treatment, habilitation, or training needs of the residential population it serves. Service description elements shall include:

    1. The mental health, substance abuse, mental retardation, or brain injury population it intends to serve;

    2. The mental health, substance abuse, mental retardation, or brain injury interventions it will provide;

    3. Provider goals;

    4. Services provided; and

    5. Contract services, if any.

    C. The provider shall develop, implement, review, and revise its services according to the provider's mission and shall have that information available for public review.

    D. Initial applications.

    1. A completed application includes, but is not limited to, an initial application form; proposed working budget for the year showing projected revenue and expenses for the first year of operation and a balance sheet showing assets and liabilities; evidence of financial resources or a line of credit sufficient to cover estimated operating expenses for 90 days unless the facility is operated by a state or local government agency, board, or commission; a service description; a proposed staffing/supervision plan including the staff information sheet; copies of all job descriptions; evidence of the applicant's authority to conduct business in Virginia; a copy of the floor plan with dimensions of rooms; a certificate of occupancy; current health inspection; evidence of consultation with state or local fire prevention authorities; a list of board members, if applicable; three references for the applicant; and, if required by the department, references for three officers of the board if applicable. This information shall be submitted to and approved by the department in order for the application to be considered complete.

    2. All initial applications that are not complete within 12 months shall be closed.

    3. Facilities operated by state or local government agencies, boards, and commissions shall submit evidence of sufficient funds to operate including a working budget showing appropriated revenue and projected expenses for the coming year.

    4. Currently licensed providers shall demonstrate that they are operating in substantial compliance with applicable regulations before new facilities operated by the same provider will be licensed.

    E. Renewal applications. A completed application for renewal of a facility's license shall be submitted within 30 days after being notified to submit a renewal application.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. August 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 37.2-408 and 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.