Section 1080. Suspected child abuse or neglect  

Latest version.
  • A. Written policies and procedures related to child abuse and neglect shall be distributed to all staff members. These shall include procedures for:

    1. Handling accusations against staff; and

    2. Promptly referring, consistent with requirements of the Code of Virginia, suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to the local child protective services unit and for cooperating with the unit during any investigation.

    B. Any case of suspected child abuse or neglect shall be reported to the local child protective services unit as required by the Code of Virginia.

    C. Any case of suspected child abuse or neglect occurring at the facility, on a facility-sponsored event or excursion, or involving facility staff shall be reported immediately to (i) the Office of Human Rights and placing agency; and (ii) either the resident's parent or legal guardian, or both, as appropriate.

    D. When a case of suspected child abuse or neglect is reported to child protective services, the resident's record shall include:

    1. The date and time the suspected abuse or neglect occurred;

    2. A description of the suspected abuse or neglect;

    3. Action taken as a result of the suspected abuse or neglect; and

    4. The name of the person to whom the report was made at the local child protective services unit.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. August 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 37.2-408 and 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.