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Virginia Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 10, 2017) |
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Title 12. Health |
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Agency 35. Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services |
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Chapter 115. Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receivingservices from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services |
Section 250. Offices, composition and duties
Part IX. Responsibilities and Duties
A. Providers and their directors shall:
1. Identify a person or persons accountable for helping individuals to exercise their rights and resolve complaints regarding services.
2. Comply with all state laws governing the reporting of abuse and neglect and all procedures set forth in these regulations for reporting allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
3. Require competency-based training on these regulations upon employment and at least annually thereafter. Documentation of such competency shall be maintained in the employee's personnel file.
4. Take all steps necessary to assure compliance with these regulations in all services provided.
5. Communicate information about the availability of a human rights advocate to individuals and authorized representatives.
6. Assure one LHRC affiliation within the region as defined by the SHRC. The SHRC may require multi-site providers to have more than one LHRC affiliation within a region if the SHRC determines that additional affiliations are necessary to protect individuals' human rights.
7. Assure that the appropriate staff attend LHRC meetings in accordance with the LHRC meeting schedule to report on human rights activities, to impart information to the LHRC at the request of the human rights advocate or LHRC, and discuss specific concerns or issues with the LHRC.
8. Cooperate with the human rights advocate and the LHRC to investigate and correct conditions or practices interfering with the free exercise of individuals' human rights and make sure that all employees cooperate with the human rights advocate and the LHRC in carrying out their duties under these regulations. Notwithstanding the requirements for complaints pursuant to Part V (12VAC35-115-150 et seq.) of this chapter, the provider shall submit a written response indicating intended action to any written recommendation made by the human rights advocate or LHRC within 15 days of the receipt of such recommendation.
9. Provide the advocate unrestricted access to individuals and individual services records whenever the human rights advocate deems access necessary to carry out rights protection, complaint resolution, and advocacy.
10. Submit to the human rights advocate for review and comment any proposed policies, procedures, or practices that may affect individual human rights.
11. Comply with requests by the SHRC, LHRC, and human rights advocate for information, policies, procedures, and written reports regarding compliance with these regulations.
12. Name a liaison to the LHRC, who shall give the LHRC suitable meeting accommodations, clerical support and equipment, and assure the availability of records and employee witnesses upon the request of the LHRC. Oversight and assistance with the LHRC's substantive implementation of these regulations shall be provided by the SHRC. See subsection E of this section.
13. Submit applications for variances to these regulations only as a last resort.
14. Post in program locations information about the existence and purpose of the human rights program.
15. Not influence or attempt to influence the appointment of any person to an LHRC associated with the provider or director.
16. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
B. Employees of the provider shall, as a condition of employment:
1. Become familiar with these regulations, comply with them in all respects, and help individuals understand and assert their rights.
2. Protect individuals from any form of abuse, neglect, or exploitation (i) by not abusing, neglecting or exploiting any individual; (ii) by not permitting or condoning anyone else abusing, neglecting, or exploiting any individual; and (iii) by reporting all suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation to the director. Protecting individuals receiving services from abuse also includes using the minimum force necessary to restrain an individual.
3. Cooperate with any investigation, meeting, hearing, or appeal held under these regulations. Cooperation includes giving statements or sworn testimony.
4. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
C. The human rights advocate shall:
1. Represent any individual making a complaint or, upon request, consult with and help any other representative the individual chooses.
2. Monitor the implementation of an advocacy system for individuals receiving services from the provider or providers to which the advocate is assigned.
3. Promote and monitor provider compliance with these and other applicable individual rights laws, regulations, and policies.
4. Investigate and try to prevent or correct, informally or formally, any alleged rights violations by interviewing, mediating, negotiating, advising, and consulting with providers and their respective governing bodies, directors, and employees.
5. Whenever necessary, file a written complaint with the LHRC for an individual or, where general conditions or practices interfere with individuals' rights, for a group of individuals.
6. Investigate and examine all conditions or practices that may interfere with the free exercise of individuals' rights.
7. Help the individual or the individual's chosen representative during any meeting, hearing, appeal, or other proceeding under these regulations unless the individual or his chosen representative chooses not to involve the human rights advocate.
8. Provide orientation, training, and technical assistance to the LHRCs for which he is responsible.
9. Tell the LHRC about any recommendations made to the director, the provider, the provider's governing body, the state human rights director, or the department for changes in policies, procedures, or practices that have the potential to adversely affect the rights of individuals.
10. Make recommendations to the state human rights director concerning the employment and supervision of other advocates where appropriate.
11. Submit regular reports to the state human rights director, the LHRC, and the SHRC about provider implementation of and compliance with these regulations.
12. Provide consultation to individuals, providers and their governing bodies, directors, and employees regarding individuals' rights, providers' duties, and complaint resolution.
13. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
D. The Local Human Rights Committee shall:
1. Consist of five or more members appointed by the SHRC.
a. Membership shall be broadly representative of professional and consumer interests. At least two members shall be individuals who are receiving or have received public or private mental health, mental retardation, or substance abuse treatment or habilitation services within five years of their initial appointment. At least one-third of the members shall be consumers or family members of consumers. Remaining appointments shall include persons with interest, knowledge, or training in the mental health, mental retardation, or substance abuse field.
b. At least one member shall be a health care provider.
c. No current employee of the department or a provider shall serve as a member of any LHRC that serves an oversight function for the employing facility or provider.
d. Initial appointments to an LHRC shall be staggered, with approximately one-third of the members appointed for a term of three years, approximately one-third for a term of two years, and the remainder for a term of one year. After that, all appointments shall be for a term of three years.
e. A person may be appointed for no more than two consecutive three-year terms. A person appointed to fill a vacancy may serve out that term and then be eligible for two additional consecutive terms.
f. Nominations for membership to LHRCs shall be submitted directly to the SHRC through the state human rights director at the department's Office of Human Rights.
2. Permit affiliations of local providers in accordance with the recommendations from the human rights advocate. SHRC approval is required for the denial of an affiliation request.
3. Receive complaints of alleged rights violations filed by or for individuals receiving services from providers with which the LHRC is affiliated and hold hearings according to the procedures set forth in Part V (12VAC35-115-150 et seq.) of this chapter.
4. Conduct investigations as requested by the SHRC.
5. Upon the request of the human rights advocate, provider, director, or an individual or individuals, or on its own initiative, an LHRC may review any existing or proposed policies, procedures, practices, or behavioral treatment plans that could jeopardize the rights of individuals receiving services from the provider with which the LHRC is affiliated. In conducting this review, the LHRC may consult with any human rights advocate, employee of the provider, or anyone else. After this review, the LHRC shall make recommendations to the director concerning changes in these plans, policies, procedures, and practices.
6. Receive, review, and act on applications for variances to these regulations according to 12VAC35-115-220.
7. Receive, review and comment on all behavioral treatment plans involving the use of restraint or time out and seclusion, restraint, or time out policies for affiliated providers.
8. Adopt written bylaws that address procedures for conducting business, electing the chairperson, secretary, and other officers, designating standing committees, and setting the frequency of meetings.
9. Elect from its own members a chairperson to coordinate the activities of the LHRC and to preside at regular committee meetings and any hearings held pursuant to these regulations.
10. Conduct a meeting every quarter or more frequently as necessary to adhere to all time lines as set forth in these regulations.
11. Require members to recuse themselves from all cases wherein they have a financial or other conflict of interest.
12. The LHRC may delegate summary decision-making authority to a subcommittee when expedited decisions are required before the next scheduled LHRC meeting to avoid seriously compromising an individual's quality of care, habilitation, or quality of life. The decision of the subcommittee shall be reviewed by the full LHRC at its next meeting.
13. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
E. The State Human Rights Committee shall:
1. Consist of nine members appointed by the board.
a. Members shall be broadly representative of professional and consumer interests and of geographic areas in the Commonwealth. At least two members shall be individuals who are receiving or have received public or private mental health, mental retardation, or substance abuse treatment or habilitation services within five years of their initial appointment. At least one-third of the members shall be consumers or family members of consumers. Remaining appointments shall include persons with interest, knowledge, or training in the mental health, mental retardation, or substance abuse field.
b. At least one member shall be a health care professional.
c. No member can be an employee or board member of the department or a CSB.
d. If there is a vacancy, interim appointments may be made for the remainder of the unexpired term.
e. A person may be appointed for no more than two consecutive three-year terms. A person appointed to fill a vacancy may serve out that term, and then be eligible for two additional consecutive terms.
2. Elect a chairperson from its own members who shall:
a. Coordinate the activities of the SHRC;
b. Preside at regular meetings, hearings, and appeals; and
c. Have direct access to the commissioner and the board in carrying out these duties.
3. Upon request of the commissioner, human rights advocate, provider, director, or an individual or individuals, or on its own initiative, a SHRC may review any existing or proposed policies, procedures, or practices that could jeopardize the rights of individuals receiving services from any provider. In conducting this review, the SHRC may consult with any human rights advocate, employee of the director, or anyone else. After this review, the SHRC shall make recommendations to the director or commissioner concerning changes in these policies, procedures, and practices.
4. Determine the appropriate number and geographical boundaries of LHRCs and consolidate LHRCs serving only one provider into regional LHRCs whenever consolidation would assure greater protection of rights under these regulations.
5. Appoint members of LHRCs with the advice of the respective LHRC, human rights advocate, and the state human rights director.
6. Advise the commissioner about the employment of the state human rights director and human rights advocates.
7. Conduct at least eight regular meetings per year.
8. Review decisions of LHRCs and, if appropriate, hold hearings and make recommendations to the commissioner, the board, and providers' governing bodies regarding alleged violations of individuals' rights according to the procedures specified in these regulations.
9. Provide oversight and assistance to LHRCs in the performance of their duties hereunder, including the development of guidance documents such as sample bylaws, affiliation agreements, and minutes to increase operational consistency among LHRCs.
10. Review denials of LHRC affiliations.
11. Notify the commissioner and the state human rights director whenever it determines that its recommendations in a particular case are of general interest and applicability to providers, human rights advocates, or LHRCs and assure the availability of the opinion or report to providers, human rights advocates, and LHRCs as appropriate. No document made available shall identify the name of individuals or employees in a particular case.
12. Grant or deny variances according to the procedures specified in Part VI (12VAC35-115-220) of this chapter and review approved variances at least once every year.
13. Make recommendations to the board concerning proposed revisions to these regulations.
14. Make recommendations to the commissioner concerning revisions to any existing or proposed laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and practices to ensure the protection of individuals' rights.
15. Review the scope and content of training programs designed by the department to promote responsible performance of the duties assigned under these regulations by providers, employees, human rights advocates, and LHRC members, and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the commissioner.
16. Evaluate the implementation of these regulations and make any necessary and appropriate recommendations to the board, the commissioner, and the state human rights director concerning interpretation and enforcement of the regulations.
17. Submit to the board and publish an annual report of its activities and the status of human rights in mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse treatment and services in Virginia and make recommendations for improvement.
18. Adopt written bylaws that address procedures for conducting business; making membership recommendations to the board; electing a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and other officers; appointing members of LHRCs; designating standing committees and their responsibilities; establishing ad hoc committees; and setting the frequency of meetings.
19. Review and approve the bylaws of LHRCs.
20. Require members to recuse themselves from all cases where they have a financial or other conflict of interest.
21. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
F. The state human rights director shall:
1. Lead the implementation of the statewide human rights program and make ongoing recommendations to the commissioner, the SHRC, and LHRCs for continuous improvements in the program.
2. Advise the commissioner concerning the employment and retention of human rights advocates.
3. Advise providers, directors, advocates, LHRCs, the SHRC, and the commissioner concerning their responsibilities under these regulations and other applicable laws, regulations, policies, and departmental instructions that protect individuals' rights.
4. Organize, coordinate, and oversee training programs designed to promote responsible performance of the duties assigned under these regulations.
5. Periodically visit service settings to monitor the free exercise of rights enumerated in these regulations.
6. Supervise human rights advocates in the performance of their duties under these regulations.
7. Support the SHRC and LHRCs in carrying out their duties under these regulations.
8. Review LHRC decisions and recommendations for general applicability and provide suggestions for training to appropriate entities.
9. Monitor implementation of corrective action plans approved by the SHRC.
10. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
G. The commissioner shall:
1. Employ the state human rights director after consultation with the SHRC.
2. Employ advocates following consultation with the state human rights director.
3. Provide or arrange for assistance and training necessary to carry out and enforce these regulations.
4. Cooperate with the SHRC and the state human rights director to investigate providers and correct conditions or practices that interfere with the free exercise of individuals' rights.
5. Advise and consult with the SHRC and the state human rights director concerning the appointment of members of LHRCs.
6. Maintain current and regularly updated data and perform regular trend analyses to identify the need for corrective action in the areas of abuse, neglect, and exploitation; seclusion and restraint; complaints; deaths and serious injuries; and variance applications.
7. Assure regular monitoring and enforcement of these regulations, including authorizing unannounced compliance reviews at any time.
8. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
H. The board shall:
1. Adopt regulations that further define the rights of individuals receiving services from providers covered by these regulations.
2. Appoint members of the SHRC.
3. Review and approve the bylaws of the SHRC.
4. Perform any other duties required under these regulations.
Historical Notes
Derived from Volume 18, Issue 03, eff. November 21, 2001; Errata, 18:6 VA.R. December 3, 2001; amended, Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 25, eff. September 19, 2007.