Section 691. Transition of individuals among service.  

Latest version.
  • A. The provider shall implement written procedures that define the process for transitioning an individual between or among services operated by the provider. At a minimum the policy shall address:

    1. The process by which the provider will assure continuity of services during and following transition;

    2. The participation of the individual or his authorized representative, as applicable, in the decision to move and in the planning for transfer;

    3. The process and timeframe for transferring the access to individual's record and ISP to the destination location;

    4. The process and timeframe for completing the transfer summary ; and

    5. The process and timeframe for transmitting or accessing, where applicable, discharge summaries to the destination service.

    B. The transfer summary shall include at a minimum the following:

    1. Reason for the individual's transfer;

    2. Documentation of involvement by the individual or his authorized representative, as applicable, in the decision to and planning for the transfer;

    3. Current psychiatric and known medical conditions or issues of the individual and the identity of the individual's health care providers;

    4. Updated progress of the individual in meeting goals and objectives in his ISP;

    5. Emergency medical information;

    6. Dosages of all currently prescribed medications and over-the-counter medications used by the individual when prescribed by the provider or known by the case manager;

    7. Transfer date; and

    8. Signature of employee or contractor responsible for preparing the transfer summary.

    C. The transfer summary may be documented in the individual's progress notes or in information easily accessible within an electronic health record.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 28, Issue 05, eff. December 7, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§ 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.