Section 580. Service description requirements  

Latest version.
  • A. The provider shall develop, implement, review, and revise its descriptions of services offered according to the provider's mission and shall make service descriptions available for public review.

    B. The provider shall outline how each service offers a structured program of individualized interventions and care designed to meet the individuals' physical and emotional needs; provide protection, guidance and supervision; and meet the objectives of any required individualized services plan.

    C. The provider shall prepare a written description of each service it offers. Elements of each service description shall include:

    1. Service goals;

    2. A description of care, treatment, training, or other supports provided;

    3. Characteristics and needs of individuals to be served;

    4. Contract services, if any;

    5. Eligibility requirements and admission, continued stay, and exclusion criteria;

    6. Service termination and discharge or transition criteria; and

    7. Type and role of employees or contractors.

    D. The provider shall revise the written service description whenever the operation of the service changes.

    E. The provider shall not implement services that are inconsistent with its most current service description.

    F. The provider shall admit only those individuals whose service needs are consistent with the service description, for whom services are available, and for which staffing levels and types meet the needs of the individuals served.

    G. The provider shall provide for the physical separation of children and adults in residential and inpatient services and shall provide separate group programming for adults and children, except in the case of family services. The provider shall provide for the safety of children accompanying parents receiving services. Older adolescents transitioning from school to adult activities may participate in mental retardation (intellectual disability) day support services with adults.

    H. The service description for substance abuse treatment services shall address the timely and appropriate treatment of pregnant women with substance abuse (substance use disorders).

    I. If the provider plans to serve individuals as of a result of a temporary detention order to a service, prior to admitting those individuals to that service, the provider shall submit a written plan for adequate staffing and security measures to ensure the individual can be served safely within the service to the department for approval. If the plan is approved, the department will add a stipulation to the license authorizing the provider to serve individuals who are under temporary detention orders.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 18, Issue 18, eff. September 19, 2002; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 05, eff. December 7, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§ 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.