Section 510. Tuberculosis screening  

Latest version.
  • A. Each new employee, contractor, student, or volunteer who will have direct contact with individuals receiving services shall obtain a statement of certification by a qualified licensed practitioner indicating the absence of tuberculosis in a communicable form within 30 days of employment or initial contact with individuals receiving services. The employee shall submit a copy of the original screening to the provider. A statement of certification shall not be required for a new employee who has separated from service with another licensed provider with a break in service of six months or less or who is currently working for another licensed provider.

    B. All employees, contractors, students, or volunteers in substance abuse co-occurring outpatient or residential treatment services shall be certified as tuberculosis free on an annual basis by a qualified licensed practitioner.

    C. Any employee, contractor, student, or volunteer who comes in contact with a known case of active tuberculosis disease or who develops symptoms of active tuberculosis disease (including, but not limited to fever, chills, hemoptysis, cough, fatigue, night sweats, weight loss , or anorexia) of three weeks duration shall be screened as determined appropriate for continued contact with employees, contractors, students, volunteers, or individuals receiving services based on consultation with the local health department.

    D. An employee, contractor, student, or volunteer suspected of having active tuberculosis shall not be permitted to return to work or have contact with employees, contractors, students, volunteers , or individuals receiving services until a physician has determined that the person is free of active tuberculosis.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 18, Issue 18, eff. September 19, 2002; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 05, eff. December 7, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§ 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.