Section 155. Preadmission-screening, discharge planning, involuntary commitment, and mandatory outpatient treatment orders  

Latest version.
  • A. Providers responsible for complying with §§ 37.2-505 and 37.2-606 of the Code of Virginia regarding community service board and behavioral health authority preadmission screening and discharge planning shall implement policies and procedures that include:

    1. Identification, qualification, training, and responsibilities of employees responsible for preadmission screening and discharge planning.

    2. Completion of a discharge plan prior to an individual's discharge in consultation with the state facility that:

    a. Involves the individual or his authorized representative and reflects the individual's preferences to the greatest extent possible consistent with the individual's needs.

    b. Involves mental health, mental retardation (intellectual disability), substance abuse, social, educational, medical, employment, housing, legal, advocacy, transportation, and other services that the individual will need upon discharge into the community and identifies the public or private agencies or persons that have agreed to provide them.

    B. Any provider who serves individuals through an emergency custody order, temporary detention order, or mandatory outpatient treatment order shall implement policies and procedures to comply with §§ 37.2-800 through 37.2-817 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 28, Issue 05, eff. December 7, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§ 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.