Section 115. Summary suspension  

Latest version.
  • A. In conjunction with any proceeding for revocation, denial , or other action, when conditions or practices exist that pose an immediate and substantial threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the individuals living there, the commissioner may issue an order of summary suspension of the license to operate any group home or residential service for adults when he believes the operation of the home or residential service should be suspended during the pendency of such proceeding.

    B. Prior to the issuance of an order of summary suspension, the department shall contact the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia to obtain the name of a hearing officer. The department shall schedule the time, date, and location of the administrative hearing with the hearing officer.

    C. The order of summary suspension shall take effect upon its issuance. It shall be delivered by personal service and certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address of record of the licensee as soon as practicable. The order shall set forth:

    1. The time, date, and location of the hearing;

    2. The procedures for the hearing;

    3. The hearing and appeal rights; and

    4. Facts and evidence that formed the basis for the order of summary suspension.

    D. The hearing shall take place within three business days of the issuance of the order of summary suspension.

    E. The department shall have the burden of proving in any summary suspension hearing that it had reasonable grounds to require the licensee to cease operations during the pendency of the concurrent revocation, denial, or other proceeding.

    F. The administrative hearing officer shall provide written findings and conclusions together with a recommendation as to whether the license should be summarily suspended to the commissioner within five business days of the hearing.

    G. The commissioner shall issue a final order of summary suspension or make a determination that the summary suspension is not warranted based on the facts presented and the recommendation of the hearing officer within seven business days of receiving the recommendation of the hearing officer.

    H. The commissioner shall issue and serve on the group home or residential facility for adults or its designee by personal service or by certified mail, return receipt requested either:

    1. A final order of summary suspension including (i) the basis for accepting or rejecting the hearing officer's recommendation, and (ii) notice that the licensee of the group home or residential service may appeal the commissioner's decision to the appropriate circuit court no later than 10 days following issuance of the order; or

    2. Notification that the summary suspension is not warranted by the facts and circumstances presented and that the order of summary suspension is rescinded.

    I. The licensee may appeal the commissioner's decision on the summary suspension to the appropriate circuit court no more than 10 days after issuance of the final order.

    J. The outcome of concurrent revocation, denial, and other proceedings shall not be affected by the outcome of any hearing pertaining to the appropriateness of the order of summary suspension.

    K. At the time of the issuance of the order of summary suspension, the department shall contact the appropriate agencies to inform them of the action and the need to develop relocation plans for the individuals receiving residential or center-based services, and ensure that any other legal guardians or responsible family members are informed of the pending action.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 11, eff. March 5, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 05, eff. December 7, 2011.

Statutory Authority

§ 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia