Section 50. Utilization control: Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) and Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD)  

Latest version.
  • A. With respect to each Medicaid-eligible resident in an ICF/MR or IMD in Virginia, a written plan of care must be developed prior to admission to or authorization of benefits in such facility, and a regular program of independent professional review (including a medical evaluation) shall be completed periodically for such services. The purpose of the review is to determine: the adequacy of the services available to meet his current health needs and promote his maximum physical well being; the necessity and desirability of his continued placement in the facility; and the feasibility of meeting his health care needs through alternative institutional or noninstitutional services. Long-term care of residents in such facilities will be provided in accordance with federal law that is based on the resident's medical and social needs and requirements.

    B. With respect to each ICF/MR or IMD, periodic on-site inspections of the care being provided to each person receiving medical assistance, by one or more independent professional review teams (composed of a physician or registered nurse and other appropriate health and social service personnel), shall be conducted. The review shall include, with respect to each recipient, a determination of the adequacy of the services available to meet his current health needs and promote his maximum physical well-being, the necessity and desirability of continued placement in the facility, and the feasibility of meeting his health care needs through alternative institutional or noninstitutional services. Full reports shall be made to the state agency by the review team of the findings of each inspection, together with any recommendations.

    C. In order for reimbursement to be made to a facility for the mentally retarded, the resident must meet criteria for placement in such facility as described in 12VAC30-60-360 and the facility must provide active treatment for mental retardation.

    D. In each case for which payment for nursing facility services for the mentally retarded or institution for mental disease services is made under the State Plan:

    1. A physician must certify for each applicant or recipient that inpatient care is needed in a facility for the mentally retarded or an institution for mental disease. The certification must be made at the time of admission or, if an individual applies for assistance while in the facility, before the Medicaid agency authorizes payment; and

    2. A physician, or physician assistant or nurse practitioner acting within the scope of the practice as defined by state law and under the supervision of a physician, must recertify for each applicant at least every 365 days that services are needed in a facility for the mentally retarded or institution for mental disease.

    E. When a resident no longer meets criteria for facilities for the mentally retarded or an institution for mental disease or no longer requires active treatment in a facility for the mentally retarded, then the resident must be discharged.

    F. All services provided in an IMD and in an ICF/MR shall be provided in accordance with guidelines found in the Virginia Medicaid Nursing Home Manual.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-02-3.1300, § 2 D, eff. August 1, 1991; amended, Volume 10, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 1994; Volume 11, Issue 17, eff. July 1, 1995; Volume 12, Issue 16, eff. July 1, 1996.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia and Item 396 E 5 of the 1995 Appropriations Act.