Section 345. Eligibility under § 1931 of the Act  

Latest version.
  • A. The state covers low-income families and children under § 1931 of the Act as follows:

    AFDC children age 18 who are full-time students in a secondary school or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training.

    B. In determining eligibility for Medicaid, the agency uses the AFDC standards and methodologies in effect as of July 16, 1996, with the following modifications.

    1. The agency applies higher income standards than those in effect as of July 16, 1996, increased by no more than the percentage increases in the CPI-U since July 16, 1996. The agency increases the July 16, 1996, income standards shown in 12VAC30-40-220 by the annual increase in the CPI beginning July 1, 2001.

    2. The agency uses less restrictive income or resource methodologies than those in effect as of July 16, 1996. The agency does not consider resources in determining eligibility. The agency disregards all earned income of a child under the age of 19 who is a student. The agency disregards the fair market value of all in-kind support and maintenance as income in determining financial eligibility for the above referenced group. The agency disregards income earned from temporary employment with the United States Census Bureau for a decennial census.

    3. The income or resource methodologies that the less restrictive methodologies replace are as follows:

    a. Resources. The family resource limit was $1,000. Additionally, any applicant or recipient may have or establish one savings or investment account not to exceed $5,000 if the applicant or recipient designates that the account is reserved for purposes related to self-sufficiency. Any funds deposited in the account and any interest earned on or appreciation in the value of the funds shall be exempt when determining eligibility for as long as the funds and interest on or appreciation in value of remain in the account. Any amounts withdrawn and used for purposes related to self-sufficiency shall be exempt. For purposes of this section, "purposes related to self-sufficiency" shall include, but is not limited to, paying for tuition, books and incidental expenses at any elementary, secondary or vocational school or any college or university; making down payment on a primary residence; or establishing a commercial operation that is owned by a member of the Medicaid assistance unit.

    b. Income. Any interest or appreciation earned on one interest-bearing savings account per medical assistance unit not to exceed $5,000 at a financial institution, if the applicant or recipient designates that the account is reserved for the purpose of paying for tuition, books, and incidental expenses at any elementary, secondary or vocational school or any college or university, or for making down payment on a primary residence or for business incubation, shall be exempt when determining eligibility for medical assistance for as long as the funds and interest remain on deposit in the account. For purposes of this section, "business incubation" means the initial establishment of a commercial operation owned by a member of the Medicaid assistance unit.

    c. Income earned by a child under the age of 19 who is a student was counted in determining eligibility in accordance with the AFDC income methodologies that were in effect as of July 16, 1996.

    d. The fair market value of in-kind support and maintenance is counted as income when evaluating the financial eligibility of the above-referenced group. In-kind support and maintenance means food, clothing or shelter or any combination of these provided to an individual.

    C. The agency continues to apply the following waivers of the provisions of Part A of Title IV in effect as of July 16, 1996, or submitted prior to August 22, 1996, and approved by the secretary on or before July 1, 1997. For individuals who receive TANF benefits and meet the requirements of Virginia's § 1115 waiver for the Virginia Independence Program, the agency continues to apply the following waivers of the provisions of Part A of Title IV in effect as of July 16, 1996, or submitted prior to August 22, 1996, and approved by the secretary on or before July 1, 1997. The waiver contains the following more liberal income disregards:

    Earned income will be disregarded so long as the earnings plus the AFDC benefits are equal to or less than 100% of the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines. For any month in which earnings plus the AFDC standard of payment for the family size exceed the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines for a family of the same size, earned income above 100% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines shall be counted.

    These waivers will apply only to TANF cash assistance recipients. These waivers will be continued only for as long as eligibility for TANF was established under the welfare reform demonstration project for which these waivers were originally approved.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 16, Issue 15, eff. May 10, 2000; amended, Virginia Register Volume 17, Issue 03, eff. November 22, 2000; Volume 18, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 2002; Volume 20, Issue 22, eff. September 25, 2004; Volume 25, Issue 11, eff. March 19, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.