Chapter 40. Eligibility Conditions and Requirements  

Section 10. General conditions of eligibility
Section 20. Post-eligibility treatment of institutionalized individuals
Section 30. Maintenance needs of non-institutionalized spouse
Section 40. Children
Section 50. Medical expenses
Section 60. Maintenance of residence
Section 70. SSI benefits
Section 80. Maintenance standards
Section 90. Income and resource levels and methods
Section 100. Methods of determining income
Section 105. Financial eligibility
Section 110. Medicaid qualifying trusts
Section 120. Medically needy income levels (MNILs) based on family size
Section 130. Handling of excess income; spend-down
Section 140. Methods for determining resources
Section 150. Resource standard; categorically needy
Section 160. Resource standard; medically needy
Section 170. Resource standard; qualified Medicare beneficiaries and specified low-income Medicare beneficiaries
Section 180. Qualified disabled and working individuals
Section 190. Excess resources
Section 200. Effective date of eligibility
Section 210. Transfer of resources - categorically and medically needy, qualified Medicare beneficiaries, and qualified disabled and working individuals
Section 220. Income eligibility levels
Section 230. Resource levels
Section 235. Reasonable limits on amounts for necessary medical or remedial care not covered under Medicaid
Section 240. More restrictive methods of treating resources than those of the SSI program: § 1902(f) states only
Section 250. Standards for optional state supplementary payments
Section 260. Income levels for 1902(f) states; categorically needy who are covered under requirements more restrictive than SSI
Section 270. Resource standards for 1902(f) states; categorically needy
Section 280. More liberal income disregards
Section 290. More liberal methods of treating resources under §1902(r)(2) of the Act: §1902(f) states
Section 300. Transfer of resources
Section 310. [Reserved]
Section 320. Consideration of Medicaid qualifying trust; undue hardship
Section 330. Cost effectiveness methodology for COBRA continuation beneficiaries
Section 340. Compliance with § 1924 and OBRA 90
Section 345. Eligibility under § 1931 of the Act
Section 347. Asset verification system
Section 350. Standards for optional state supplementary payments
Section 360. Treatment of entrance fees of individuals residing in continuing care retirement communities