Section 205. Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) for Kids  

Latest version.
  • A. Definitions. The following words and terms when used in this section shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Case" means all family members who are eligible for coverage under the group health plan and who are eligible for Medicaid.

    "Code" means the Code of Virginia.

    "DMAS" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services consistent with Chapter 10 (§ 32.1-323 et seq.) of Title 32.1 of the Code of Virginia.

    "DSS" means the Department of Social Services consistent with Chapter 1 (§ 63.2-100 et seq.) of Title 63.2 of the Code of Virginia.

    "Family member" means individuals who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption.

    "High deductible health plan" means a plan as defined in § 223(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, without regard to whether the plan is purchased in conjunction with a health savings account (as defined under § 223(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986).

    "HIPP" means the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program administered by DMAS consistent with § 1906 of the Act.

    "HIPP for Kids" means the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program administered by DMAS consistent with § 1906A of the Act.

    "Member" means a person who is eligible for Medicaid as determined by DMAS, a DMAS designated agent, or the Department of Social Services.

    "Parent" means the biological or adoptive parent or parents, or the biological or adoptive parent and the stepparent, living in the home with the Medicaid-eligible child. The health insurance policyholder shall be a parent as defined herein.

    "Premium" means the fixed cost of participation in the group health plan, which cost may be shared by the employer and employee or paid in full by either party.

    "Premium assistance subsidy" means the amount that DMAS will pay of the employee's cost of participating in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage to cover the Medicaid eligible member or members under age 19.

    "Qualified employer-sponsored coverage" means a group health plan or health insurance coverage offered through an employer:

    1. That qualifies as creditable coverage as a group health plan under § 2701(c)(1) of the Public Health Service Act;

    2. For which the employer contribution toward any premium for such coverage is at least 40%; and

    3. That is offered to all individuals in a manner that would be considered a nondiscriminatory eligibility classification for purposes of paragraph (3)(A)(ii) of § 105(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (but determined without regard to clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of such paragraph).

    "State Plan" means the State Plan for Medical Assistance for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    B. Program purpose. The purpose of the HIPP for Kids program shall be to:

    1. Enroll members who are eligible for coverage under a qualified employer-sponsored coverage plan.

    2. Provide premium assistance subsidy for payment of the employee share of the premiums and other cost-sharing obligations for the Medicaid eligible child under age 19. In addition, to provide cost sharing for the child's noneligible parent for items and services covered under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage that are also covered services under the State Plan. There is no cost sharing for parents for services not covered by the qualified employer-sponsored coverage.

    3. Treat coverage under such employer group health plan as a third party liability consistent with § 1902(a)(25) of the Social Security Act.

    C. Member eligibility. DMAS shall obtain specific information on qualified employer-sponsored coverage available to the members in the case including, but not limited to, the effective date of coverage, the services covered by the plan, the deductibles and copayments required by the plan, and the amount of the premium paid by the employer and employee. Coverage that is not comprehensive shall be denied premium assistance. All Medicaid eligible family members under the age of 19 who are eligible for coverage under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage shall be eligible for consideration for HIPP for Kids except the following:

    1. The member is Medicaid eligible due to "spenddown"; or

    2. The member is currently enrolled in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage and is only retroactively eligible for Medicaid.

    D. Application required. A completed HIPP for Kids application must be submitted to DMAS to be evaluated for program eligibility. The HIPP for Kids application consists of the forms prescribed by DMAS and any necessary information as required by the program to evaluate eligibility and determine if the plan meets the criteria for qualified employer-sponsored coverage.

    E. Exceptions. The term "qualified employer-sponsored coverage" does not include coverage consisting of:

    1. Benefits provided under a health flexible spending arrangement (as defined in § 106(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) or

    2. A high deductible health plan (as defined in § 223(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986), without regard to whether the plan is purchased in conjunction with a health savings account (as defined under § 223(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986).

    3. For self-employed individuals, qualified employer-sponsored coverage obtained through self-employment activities shall not meet the program requirements unless the self-employment activities are the family's primary source of income and the insurance meets the requirements of the definition of qualified employer-sponsored coverage in subsection A of this section. Family for this purpose includes family by blood, marriage, or adoption.

    F. Payments. When DMAS determines that a qualified employer-sponsored coverage plan is eligible and other eligibility requirements have been met, DMAS shall provide for the payment of premium assistance subsidy and other cost-sharing obligations for items and services otherwise covered under the State Plan, except for the nominal cost-sharing amounts permitted under § 1916 of the Social Security Act.

    1. Effective date of premium assistance subsidy. Payment of premium assistance subsidies and other cost-sharing obligations shall become effective on the first day of the month in which DMAS receives a complete HIPP application or the first day of the month in which qualified employer-sponsored coverage becomes effective, whichever is later. Payments shall be made to either the employer, the insurance company, or the individual who is carrying the group health plan coverage.

    2. Payments for deductibles, coinsurances, and other cost-sharing obligations.

    a. Medicaid eligible children under age 19 pursuant to § 1906A of the Act. The Medicaid agency pays all premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other cost-sharing obligations for items and services covered under the State Plan, as specified in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage, without regard to limitations specified in § 1916 or § 1916A of the Act, for eligible individuals under age 19 who have access to and elect to enroll in such coverage. The eligible individual is entitled to services covered by the State Plan that are not included in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage.

    b. Ineligible family members. When coverage for Medicaid-eligible family members under age 19 is not possible unless an ineligible parent enrolls, the Medicaid agency pays premiums only for enrollment of the ineligible parent and, at the parent's option, other family members who are eligible for coverage under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage. In addition, the agency provides cost sharing for the child's ineligible parent for items and services covered under the qualified employer-sponsored coverage that are also covered services under the State Plan. There is no cost-sharing for ineligible parents for items and services not covered by the qualified employer-sponsored coverage.

    3. Documentation required for premium assistance subsidy reimbursement. A person to whom DMAS is paying a qualified employer-sponsored coverage premium assistance subsidy shall, as a condition of receiving such payment, provide documentation as prescribed by DMAS of the payment of the employer group health plan premium, as well as payment of coinsurances, copayments, and deductibles for services received.

    G. Program participation requirements. Participants must comply with program requirements as prescribed by DMAS for continued enrollment in HIPP for Kids. Failure to comply with the following may result in termination from the program:

    1. Submission of documentation of premium expense within specified time frame in accordance with DMAS established policy.

    2. Report changes in the qualified employer-sponsored coverage within 10 days of the family's receipt of notice of the change.

    3. Completion of annual redetermination.

    4. Completion of consent forms. Participants may be required to complete a consent form to release information necessary for HIPP for Kids participation and program requirements as required by DMAS.

    H. HIPP for Kids redetermination. DMAS shall redetermine the eligibility of the qualified employer-sponsored coverage periodically, at least every 12 months. DMAS shall also redetermine eligibility when changes occur with the group health plan information that was used in determining HIPP for Kids eligibility.

    I. Program termination. Participation in the HIPP for Kids program may be terminated for failure to comply or meet program requirements. Termination will be effective the last day of the month in which advance notice has been given (consistent with federal regulations).

    1. Participation may be terminated for failure to meet program requirements including, but not limited to, the following:

    a. Failure to submit documentation of payment of premiums;

    b. Failure to provide information required for reevaluation of the qualified employer-sponsored coverage (noncompliance);

    c. Loss of Medicaid eligibility for all household members;

    d. Medicaid household member no longer covered by the qualified employer-sponsored coverage;

    e. Medicaid-eligible child turns age 19; or

    f. Employer-sponsored health plan no longer meets qualified employer-sponsored coverage requirements.

    2. Termination date of premiums. Payment of premium assistance subsidy shall end on whichever of the following occurs the earliest:

    a. On the last day of the month in which eligibility for Medicaid ends;

    b. The last day of the month in which the member loses eligibility for coverage in the group health plan;

    c. The last day of the month in which the child turns age 19;

    d The last day of the month in which adequate notice has been given (consistent with federal requirements) that DMAS has determined that the group health plan no longer meets program eligibility criteria; or

    d. The last day of the month in which adequate notice has been given (consistent with federal requirements) that HIPP for Kids participation requirements have not been met.

    J. Third-party liability. When members are enrolled in qualified employer-sponsored coverage health plans, these plans shall become the first sources of health care benefits, up to the limits of such plans, prior to the availability of payment under Title XIX.

    K. Appeal rights. Members shall be given the opportunity to appeal adverse agency decisions consistent with agency regulations for client appeals (12VAC30-110).

    L. Provider requirements. Providers shall be required to accept the greater of the group health plan's reimbursement rate or the Medicaid rate as payment in full and shall be prohibited from charging the member or the Medicaid program amounts that would result in aggregate payments greater than the Medicaid rate as required by 42 CFR 447.20.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 29, Issue 02, eff. November 8, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.