Section 790. Application requirements  

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  • A. Availability of program information. DMAS or its designee shall furnish the following information in written form and orally as appropriate to all applicants and to other individuals who request it:

    1. The eligibility requirements;

    2. Summary of covered benefits;

    3. Copayment amounts required; and

    4. The rights and responsibilities of applicants and enrollees.

    B. Opportunity to apply. DMAS or its designee must afford a pregnant woman, wishing to do so, the opportunity to apply for the FAMIS MOMS program. Applications from pregnant women will be accepted at a central site designated by DMAS and at local departments of social services throughout the Commonwealth. Applicants may file an application for health insurance by mail, by fax, or in person at local departments of social services. Applications filed at the FAMIS CPU can be submitted by mail, by fax, by the Internet, or by phone. Face-to-face interviews for the program are not required. Eligibility determinations for FAMIS MOMS shall occur at either local departments of social services or at the DMAS-designated central site.

    C. Right to apply. An individual who is 18 years of age or older shall not be refused the right to complete an application for health insurance for herself and shall not be discouraged from asking for assistance for herself under any circumstances.

    D. Applicant's signature. The applicant must sign state-approved application forms submitted, even if another person fills out the form, unless the application is filed and signed by the applicant's parent, spouse, adult relative caretaker, legal guardian or conservator, attorney-in-fact or authorized representative.

    E. The authorized representative for an individual 18 years of age or older shall be those individuals as set forth in 12VAC30-110-1380.

    F. The authorized representative for children younger than 18 years of age shall be those individuals as set forth in 12VAC30-110-1390.

    G. Persons prohibited from signing an application. An employee of, or an entity hired by, a medical service provider who stands to obtain FAMIS MOMS payments shall not sign an application for health insurance on behalf of an individual who cannot designate an authorized representative.

    H. Written application. DMAS or its designee shall require a written application from the applicant if she is at least 18 years of age or older, or from a parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, legal custodian, or authorized representative if the applicant is less than 18 years of age or the applicant is incapacitated. The application must be on a form prescribed by DMAS and must be signed under a penalty of perjury. The application form shall contain information sufficient to determine Medicaid and FAMIS MOMS eligibility.

    I. Assistance with application. DMAS or its designee shall allow an individual or individuals of the applicant's choice to assist and represent the applicant in the application process, or a redetermination process for eligibility.

    J. Timely determination of eligibility. The time processing standards for determining eligibility for FAMIS MOMS coverage begin with the date a signed application is received either at a local department of social services or the FAMIS CPU. Applications received at local departments of social services must have a full Medicaid eligibility determination and, when a pregnant woman is determined to be ineligible for Medicaid due to excess income, a FAMIS MOMS eligibility determination performed, within the same Medicaid case processing time standards.

    Except in cases of unusual circumstances as described below, health insurance applications for pregnant women received at the local department of social services shall have a Medicaid eligibility determination completed and, if denied Medicaid for excess income, a FAMIS MOMS eligibility determination completed within 10 business days of the date the signed application was received at the local department. An application from a pregnant woman received at the FAMIS CPU and screened as ineligible for Medicaid, shall have a FAMIS MOMS eligibility determination completed within 10 business days of the date the complete application was received at the CPU. Complete applications that are screened as Medicaid likely will be processed within the 10 business day time standard. If the application cannot be processed within this standard, a notice will be sent to the applicant explaining why a decision has not yet been made.

    1. Unusual circumstances include administrative or other emergency beyond the agency's control. In such case, DMAS or its designee or the LDSS must document, in the applicant's case record, the reasons for delay. DMAS or its designee or the local department of social services must not use the time standards as a waiting period before determining eligibility or as a reason for denying eligibility because it has not determined eligibility within the time standards.

    2. Applications filed at the CPU that are incomplete shall be held open for a period of 30 calendar days to enable applicants to provide outstanding information needed for an eligibility determination. Incomplete applications determined complete by the receipt of additional information required to determine FAMIS MOMS eligibility will be processed in an expedited manner upon receipt of the additional information. Any applicant who fails to provide, within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the initial application, information or verifications necessary to determine eligibility, shall have her application for FAMIS MOMS eligibility denied.

    K. Notice of DMAS', its designee's or the local department of social services' decision concerning eligibility. DMAS, its designee or the local department of social services must send each applicant a written notice of the agency's/designee's decision on her application, and, if approved, her obligations under the program. If eligibility for FAMIS MOMS is denied, notice must be given concerning the reasons for the action and an explanation of the applicant's right to request a review of the adverse actions, as described in 12VAC30-141-50.

    L. Case documentation. DMAS, its designee, or the local department of social services must include in each applicant's record all necessary facts to support the decision on her application, and must dispose of each application by a finding of eligibility or ineligibility, unless (i) there is an entry in the case record that the applicant voluntarily withdrew the application and that the agency or its designee sent a notice confirming her decision; or (ii) there is a supporting entry in the case record that the applicant cannot be located.

    M. Case maintenance. All cases approved for FAMIS MOMS shall be maintained at the FAMIS CPU. Pregnant women determined by local departments of social services to be eligible for FAMIS MOMS shall have their cases transferred to the FAMIS CPU for ongoing case maintenance. The FAMIS CPU will be responsible for providing newly enrolled recipients with program information, benefits available, how to secure services under the program, a FAMIS MOMS handbook, and for processing changes in eligibility within established time frames.

    N. Notice of decision concerning eligibility. DMAS or the FAMIS CPU must give enrollees timely notice of proposed action to terminate their eligibility under FAMIS MOMS. The notice must meet the requirements of 42 CFR 457.1180.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 07, eff. January 10, 2007.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.