Section 670. Definitions  

Latest version.

    The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Act" means the Social Security Act.

    "Adult caretaker relative" or "caretaker relative" means an individual who is 18 years of age or older, who is not the parent of but who is related to the child applicant by blood or marriage, and who lives with and assumes responsibility for day-to-day care of the child applicant in a place of residence maintained as his or their own home.

    "Adverse action" means the denial of eligibility; failure to make a timely determination of eligibility; suspension or termination of enrollment; or delay, denial, reduction, suspension, or termination of health services, in whole or in part.

    "Agency" means a local department of social services, the central processing unit, or other entity designated by DMAS to make eligibility determinations for FAMIS MOMS.

    "Agency error" means a person or persons received benefits to which they were not entitled as a result of an error on the part of an eligibility worker at a local department of social services or the central processing unit.

    "Agent" means an individual designated in writing to act on behalf of a FAMIS MOMS Plan applicant or enrollee during the administrative review process.

    "Applicant" means a pregnant woman who has filed an application (or who has an application filed on her behalf) for health insurance and is awaiting a determination of eligibility. A pregnant woman is an applicant until her eligibility has been determined.

    "Application for health insurance" means the form or forms developed and approved by the Department of Medical Assistance Services that are used for determining eligibility for Medicaid for poverty level children, for the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS) for children, for Medicaid for pregnant women, and for FAMIS MOMS coverage for pregnant women.

    "Authorized representative" means a person who is authorized to conduct the personal or financial affairs for an individual who is 18 years of age or older.

    "Board" or "BMAS" means that policy board created by § 32.1-324 of the Code of Virginia to administer the plans established by the Social Security Act.

    "Central processing unit" or "CPU" means the private contractor that will determine eligibility for and administer part of the FAMIS MOMS Plan.

    "Child" means an individual under the age of 19 years.

    "Competent individual" means a person who has not been judged by a court to be legally incapacitated.

    "Comprehensive health insurance coverage" means health benefits coverage, which includes the following categories of services at a minimum: inpatient and outpatient hospital services, physician's surgical and medical services, and laboratory and radiological services.

    "Conservator" means a person appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to manage the estate and financial affairs of an incapacitated individual.

    "Continuation of enrollment" means ensuring an enrollee's benefits are continued until completion of the review process, with the condition that should the enrollee not prevail in the review process, the enrollee shall be liable for the repayment of all benefits received during the review process.

    "Director" means the individual, or his designee, specified in § 32.1-324 of the Code of Virginia with all of the attendant duties and responsibilities to administer the State Plan for Medical Assistance and the State Plan for Title XXI.

    "DMAS" or "department" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services.

    "Enrollee" means a pregnant woman who has been determined eligible to participate in FAMIS MOMS and is enrolled in the FAMIS MOMS program.

    "External quality review organization" means the independent contractor assigned by DMAS to handle quality reviews and to conduct final review of MCHIP adverse actions for FAMIS MOMS.

    "Family" for a pregnant woman under the age of 21, means parents, including adoptive parents, if they are all residing together and the spouse of the pregnant woman if the woman is married and living with her spouse, as well as any children under the age of 21 the woman may have.

    For a pregnant woman over the age of 21, "family" means her spouse, if married and living together, as well as any children under the age of 21 the pregnant woman may have.

    "Family income" means the total income of all family members in a household. Income includes, but is not necessarily limited to, before-tax earnings from a job, including cash, wages, salary, commissions, tips, self-employment net profits, Social Security, Retirement Survivor Disability Insurance (RSDI), veterans benefits, Railroad Retirement, disability workers' compensation, unemployment benefits, child support, alimony, spousal support, pensions, retirement benefits, settlement benefits, rental income, and lottery/bingo winnings. Income excludes public assistance program benefits such as SSI and TANF payments, foster care payments, general relief, loans, grants, or scholarships for educational expenses or earned income of a child who is a student.

    "FAMIS" means the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan.

    "FAMIS MOMS" means the Title XXI program available to eligible pregnant women.

    "Federal poverty level" or "FPL" means that income standard as published annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Federal Register.

    "Fee-for-service" means the traditional Medicaid health care delivery and payment system in which physicians and other providers receive a payment for each unit of service they provide.

    "Fraud" means an intentional deception or misrepresentation made by a person with the knowledge that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to herself or some other person. It includes any act that constitutes fraud under applicable federal or state laws.

    "Group health plan" or "health insurance coverage" means that health care coverage as defined in § 2791 of the Public Health Services Act (42 USC § 300gg-91(a) and (b)(1)).

    "Guardian" means a person appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be responsible for the affairs of an incapacitated individual, including responsibility for making decisions regarding the person's support, care, health, safety, habilitation, education, and therapeutic treatment, and, if not inconsistent with an order of commitment, residence.

    "Incapacitated individual" means a person who, pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, has been found to be incapable of receiving and evaluating information effectively or responding to people, events, or environments to such an extent that the individual lacks the capacity to (i) meet the essential requirements of her health, care, safety, or therapeutic needs without the assistance or protection of a guardian, or (ii) manage property or financial affairs or provide for her support or for the support of her legal dependents without the assistance or protection of a conservator.

    "Legally emancipated" means that the parents and child have gone through the court and a judge has declared that the parents have surrendered the right to care, custody, and earnings of the child and have renounced parental duties. A married minor is not emancipated unless a court has declared the married minor emancipated from her parents.

    "LDSS" or "local department" means the local department of social services.

    "Managed care health insurance plan" or "MCHIP" as defined in § 32.1-137.1 of the Code of Virginia means an arrangement for the delivery of health care in which a health carrier under contract with DMAS for Title XXI delivery systems undertakes to provide, arrange and pay for, or reimburse any of the costs of health care services for a covered person on a prepaid or insured basis, which contains one or more incentive arrangements, including any credential requirements intended to influence the cost of the health care services between the health carrier and one or more providers and requires or creates benefit payment differential incentives for covered persons to use providers that are directly or indirectly managed, owned, under contract with or employed by the health carrier.

    "Member of a family," for purposes of determining whether the applicant is eligible for coverage under a state employee health insurance plan, means a spouse, parent or parents, including stepparents with whom the child is living if the stepparent claims the child as a dependent on the employee's federal tax return.

    "Pregnant woman" means a woman of any age who is medically determined to be pregnant. The pregnant woman definition is met from the first day of the earliest month that the medical practitioner certifies as being a month in which the woman was pregnant, through the last day of the month in which the 60th day occurs, following the last day of the month in which her pregnancy ended, regardless of the reason the pregnancy ended.

    "Provider" means the individual, facility, or other entity registered, licensed, or certified, as appropriate, and enrolled by an MCHIP or in fee-for-service to render services to FAMIS MOMS enrollees eligible for services.

    "Title XXI" means the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program as established by Subtitle J of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

    "Virginia State Employee Health Insurance Plan" means a health insurance plan offered by the Commonwealth of Virginia to its employees.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 07, eff. January 10, 2007; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 12, eff. March 28, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.