Section 565. Substance abuse treatment services  

Latest version.
  • A. Substance abuse treatment services shall be provided consistent with the criteria and requirements of 12VAC30-50-510.

    B. The following criteria must be met and documented in the woman's record before Medicaid reimbursement for substance abuse residential treatment services for pregnant and postpartum women can occur:

    1. The woman must agree to participate in developing her own treatment plan; to comply with the treatment plan; to participate, support, and implement the plan of care; to utilize appropriate measures to negotiate changes in her treatment plan; to fully participate in treatment; to comply with program rules and procedures; and to complete the treatment plan in full.

    2. The woman must be pregnant at admission and intend to complete the pregnancy.

    3. The woman must:

    a. Have used alcohol or other drugs within six weeks of referral to the program. If the woman was in jail or prison prior to her referral to this program, the alcohol or drug use must have been within six weeks prior to jail or prison;

    b. Be participating in less intensive treatment for substance abuse and be assessed as high-risk for relapse without more intensive intervention and treatment; or

    c. Within 30 days of admission, have been discharged from a more intensive level of treatment, such as hospital-based inpatient or jail- or prison-based treatment for substance abuse.

    4. The woman must be under the active care of a physician who is an approved Virginia Medicaid provider and has obstetrical privileges at a hospital which is an approved Virginia Medicaid provider. The woman must agree to reveal to her obstetrician her participation in substance abuse treatment and her substance abuse history and also agree to allow collaboration between the physician, the obstetrical unit of the hospital in which she plans to deliver or has delivered, and the program staff.

    C. The following criteria must be met and documented in the woman's record before Medicaid reimbursement for substance abuse day treatment services for pregnant and postpartum women can occur:

    1. The woman must agree to participate in developing her own treatment plan, to comply with the treatment plan, to utilize appropriate measures to negotiate changes in her treatment plan, to fully participate in treatment, to comply with program rules and procedures, and to complete the treatment plan in full.

    2. The woman must be pregnant at admission and intend to complete the pregnancy.

    3. The woman must:

    a. Have used alcohol or other drugs within six weeks of referral to the program. If the woman was in jail or prison prior to her referral to this program, the alcohol or drug use must have been within six weeks prior to jail or prison;

    b. Be participating in less intensive treatment for substance abuse and assessed as high-risk for relapse without more intensive intervention and treatment; or

    c. Within 30 days of admission, have been discharged from a more intensive level of treatment for substance abuse, such as hospital-based or jail- or prison-based inpatient treatment or residential treatment.

    4. The woman must be under the active care of a physician who is an approved Virginia Medicaid provider and who has obstetrical privileges at a hospital which is an approved Medicaid provider. The woman must agree to reveal to her obstetrician her participation in substance abuse treatment and her substance abuse history and also agree to allow collaboration between the physician and the obstetrical unit of the hospital in which she plans to deliver or has delivered, and the program staff.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 14, Issue 07, eff. January 22, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 20, Issue 07, eff. February 1, 2004.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.