Section 270. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • Part IV. Drug Utilization Review Program

    The following words and terms when used in this part shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Abuse" means (i) use of health services by recipients which is inconsistent with sound fiscal or medical practices and that results in unnecessary costs to the Virginia Medicaid program or in reimbursement for a level of use or a pattern of services that is not medically necessary, or (ii) provider practices which are inconsistent with sound fiscal or medical practices and that result in (a) unnecessary costs to the Virginia Medicaid program, or (b) reimbursement for a level of use or a pattern of services that is not medically necessary or that fails to meet professionally recognized standards for health care.

    "Appropriate and medically necessary" means drug prescribing and dispensing practices which conform with the criteria and standards developed pursuant to this regulation and are consistent with the diagnosis or treatment of an identified condition.

    "Criteria and standards" means predetermined objective tests established by or approved by the Drug Utilization Review Board for use in both retrospective and prospective screening of the quality and appropriateness of pharmacy services for Medicaid recipients. Objective tests shall include both criteria, which are based upon professional expertise, prior experience, and the professional literature with which the quality, medical necessity, and appropriateness of health care services may be compared, and standards, which are professionally developed expressions of the range of acceptable variation from a criterion.

    "Code" means the Code of Virginia.

    "DMAS" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services consistent with Chapter 10 (§ 32.1-323 et seq.) of Title 32.1 of the Code of Virginia.

    "Director" means the Director of DMAS.

    "Drug Utilization Review (DUR)" means a formal continuing program for assessing medical and recipients' drug utilization data against explicit standards and criteria and, as necessary, introducing remedial strategies.

    "Drug Utilization Review Board (DUR Board)" means the group of health care professionals appointed by the director and established pursuant to § 1927(g)(3) Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

    "Drug Utilization Review Committee (DUR Committee)" means a committee composed of health care professionals who make recommendations for developing and modifying drug therapy review standards or criteria, participate in retrospective reviews, recommend remedial strategies, and evaluate the success of the interventions.

    "Exceptional drug utilization pattern" means a pattern of drug use that differs from the standards and criteria established pursuant to this part.

    "Fraud" means any act including intentional deception or misrepresentation that constitutes fraud under applicable federal or state laws.

    "OBRA 90" means the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.

    "Patient's agent" means the person or persons selected by the recipient to act on his behalf with regard to the recipient's receipt of Title XIX pharmacy services.

    "Patient counseling" means communication of information by the pharmacist, in person whenever practicable, to patients receiving benefits under Title XIX of the Social Security Act or the patient's agent, to improve therapeutic outcomes by encouraging proper use of prescription medications and devices.

    "Prospective drug utilization review" means a review by the pharmacist of the prescription medication order and the patient's drug therapy before each prescription is filled. The review shall include an examination of any patient profile (which has been maintained by the pharmacist) to determine the possibility of potential drug therapy problems due to therapeutic duplication, drug-disease contraindications, drug-drug interactions (including serious interactions with nonprescription or over-the-counter drugs, incorrect drug dosage or duration of drug treatment, drug-allergy interactions, and clinical abuse or misuse).

    "Restriction" means (i) an administrative limitation imposed by DMAS on a recipient which requires the recipient to obtain access to specific types of health care services only through a designated primary provider or (ii) an administrative limitation imposed on a provider to prohibit participation as a designated primary provider, referral provider, or covering provider for restricted recipients.

    "Retrospective drug utilization review" means the drug use review process that is conducted by DMAS using historic or archived medical or drug use data which may include but is not restricted to patient profiles and historical trends.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-04-4.2600 § 1, eff. June 16, 1993; amended, Volume 25, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.