Section 210. Specialized services  

Latest version.
  • A. For mental illness, specialized services means the services specified by the state which, combined with services provided by the NF, results in the continuous and aggressive implementation of an individualized plan of care that:

    1. Is developed and supervised by an interdisciplinary team which includes a physician, qualified mental health professionals, and as appropriate, other professionals;

    2. Prescribes specific therapies and activities for the treatment of persons experiencing an acute episode of serious mental illness which necessitates supervision by trained mental health personnel;

    3. Is directed toward diagnosing and reducing the resident's behavioral symptoms that may necessitate institutionalization, improving his or her level of independent functioning, and achieving a functioning level that permits reduction in the intensity of mental health services to below the level of specialized services at the earliest possible time; and

    4. Prescribes inpatient psychiatric services for any individual determined to be a danger to self or others. For nursing facility residents who are determined to be a danger to self or others due to mental illness, the nursing facility must coordinate admission to an inpatient psychiatric hospital.

    B. For mental retardation or related conditions, specialized services means the services specified by the state which, combined with services provided by the NF or other service providers, results in treatment which includes aggressive, consistent implementation of a program of specialized and generic training, treatment, health services and related services that is directed toward the following;

    1. The acquisition of the behaviors necessary for the individual to function with as much self-determination and independence as possible; and

    2. The prevention or deceleration of regression or loss of current optimal functional status.

    C. The state must provide or arrange for the provision of specialized services to all NF residents with MI or MR/RC whose needs are such that continuous supervision, treatment, and training by qualified MH/MR personnel is necessary as identified by their Level I and II assessments. The NF must provide MH or MR/RC services which are of a lesser intensity than specialized services to all residents who need such services.

    1. Services that shall be the responsibility of the nursing facility to provide to residents shall include, but are not limited to:

    a. Physical therapy

    b. Speech-language pathology services

    c. Occupational therapy

    d. Restorative nursing

    e. Behavior management interventions that do not require ongoing consultation and monitoring by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist

    f. Basic grooming and hygiene needs

    g. Nutritional needs, including supplements and assistance with eating

    h. Adjustment needs resulting from admission to a nursing facility and ongoing psychosocial emotional support

    i. Noncustomized durable medical equipment and supplies

    2. Specialized services for the purposes of PASARR shall include the following. The State Mental Health or Mental Retardation Authority shall ensure the provision of specialized services when they are provided by a non-Medicaid-enrolled provider or when the services are not covered by Medicaid.

    a. Partial hospitalization

    b. Transportation to Medicaid-covered services or specialized services necessary to treat conditions of mental illness or mental retardation

    c. Day health and rehabilitation

    d. Psychosocial rehabilitation

    e. Crisis intervention

    f. Customized durable medical equipment, for residents without a patient pay, that would allow the resident to participate in specialized services

    g. Behavior management interventions requiring ongoing consultation and monitoring by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist

    h. One-to-one supervision necessary for behavior management

    i. Vision and hearing needs related to mental illness or mental retardation for persons over age 21

    j. Dental needs resulting from mental illness or mental retardation sequela for persons over age 21

    k. Habilitation

    l. Supported employment for persons with mental illness or mental retardation

    m. Case management services

    n. Individual psychotherapy

    o. Day treatment

    p. Individual and group counseling

    q. Inpatient psychiatric care

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-04-4.3910 § 8, eff. June 1, 1994.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.