Section 190. Determinations and placement of individuals with MI or MR/RC  

Latest version.
  • A. If the MH/MRA determines that a resident or applicant for admission to a NF requires a NF level of services, the NF may admit or retain the individual. If the MH/MRA determines that a resident or applicant for admission requires both a NF level of services and specialized services for MI or MR/RC, the NF may admit or retain the individual and the state must provide or arrange for the provision of the specialized services needed by the individual while he resides in the NF.

    B. If the MH/MRA determines that an applicant for admission to a NF does not require NF services, the applicant cannot be admitted. NF services are not a covered Medicaid service for that individual, and further screening is not required.

    C. If the MH/MRA determines that a resident requires neither the level of services by a NF nor specialized services for MI or MR/RC, regardless of the length of stay in the facility, the state must (i) arrange for the safe and orderly discharge of the resident from the facility; and (ii) prepare and orient the resident for discharge.

    D. For any resident who has continuously resided in a NF for at least 30 months before the date of the determination, and who requires only specialized services, the state must, in consultation with the resident's family or legal representative and caregivers (i) offer the resident the choice of remaining in the facility or of receiving services in an alternative appropriate setting; (ii) inform the resident of the institutional and noninstitutional alternatives available; (iii) clarify the effect on eligibility for Medicaid services if the resident chooses to leave the facility, including its effect on readmission to the facility or eligibility for community-based services; and (iv) regardless of the resident's choice to remain in the NF or to be discharged to a community setting, provide for, or arrange for the provision of specialized services for the MI or MR.

    E. For any resident who has not continuously resided in a NF for at least 30 months before the date of the determination, the state must, in consultation with the resident's family or legal representative and caregivers (i) arrange for the safe and orderly discharge of the resident from the facility; (ii) prepare and orient the resident for discharge; and (iii) provide for, or arrange for the provision of, specialized services for the MI or MR.

    F. For the purposes of establishing length of stay in a NF, the 30 months of continuous residence in a NF or longer is calculated back from the date of the first annual resident review determination which finds that the individual is not in need of NF level of services. The 30 months of continuous residence in a NF may include temporary absences for hospitalization and therapeutic leave and may consist of consecutive residences in more than one NF.

    G. Placement of an individual with MI or MR/RC in a NF may be considered appropriate only when the individual's needs are such that he or she meets the minimum standards for admission and his or her needs for treatment do not exceed the level of services which can be delivered in the NF to which the individual is admitted either through NF services alone or, where necessary, through NF services supplemented by specialized services provided by or arranged for by the state.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-04-4.3910 § 6, eff. June 1, 1994.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.