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Virginia Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 10, 2017) |
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Title 12. Health |
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Agency 30. Department of Medical Assistance Services |
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Chapter 120. Waivered Services |
Section 1700. Definitions
Part XVII. Home and Community-Based Services for Technology Assisted Individuals Waiver
The following words and terms when used in this part shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Activities of daily living" or "ADLs" means personal care tasks such as bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and eating or feeding. An individual's degree of independence in performing these activities is a part of determining appropriate level of care and service needs.
"Adult" means an individual who is either 21 years of age or older.
"Adult foster care" means room and board, supervision, and a locally optional program that may be provided by a single provider for up to three adults, each of whom has a physical or mental condition. The provider must be approved by the local department of social services for the locality in which the provider renders services.
"Adult Protective Services" or "APS" means a program overseen by the Virginia Department of Social Services that investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults 60 years of age and older and incapacitated adults 18 years of age and older and provides services when such persons are found to be in need of protective services.
"Agency provider" means a public or private organization or entity that holds a Medicaid provider agreement and furnishes services to individuals using its own employees or subcontractors.
"Alternate back up facility" means the alternate facility placement that the technology assisted individuals must use when home and community-based waiver services are interrupted. Such facilities may be, for the purpose of this waiver, an intermediate care facility for the intellectually disabled (ICF/ID), a long-stay hospital, a specialized care nursing facility, or an acute care hospital when all technology assisted waiver criteria are met.
"Americans with Disabilities Act" or "ADA" means the United States Code pursuant to 42 USC § 12101 et seq., as amended.
"Appeal" means the process used to challenge actions regarding services, benefits, and reimbursement provided by Medicaid pursuant to 12VAC30-110 and Part XII (12VAC30-20-500 et seq.) of 12VAC30-20.
"Applicant" means an individual (or representative on his behalf) who has applied for or is in the process of applying for and is awaiting a determination of eligibility for admission to the technology assisted waiver.
"Assess" means to evaluate an applicant's or an individual's condition, including functional status, current medical status, psychosocial history, and environment. Information is collected from the applicant or individual, applicant's or individual's representative, family, and medical professionals, as well as the assessor's observation of the applicant or individual.
"Assessment" means one or more processes that are used to obtain information about an applicant, including his condition, personal goals and preferences, functional limitations, health status, financial status and other factors that are relevant to the determination of eligibility for services and is required for the authorization of and provision of services, and forms the basis for the development of the plan of care.
"Assistive technology" or "AT" means specialized medical equipment and supplies, including those devices, controls, or appliances specified in the plan of care but not available under the State Plan for Medical Assistance, that (i) enable individuals to increase their abilities to perform ADLs/IADLs and to perceive, control, or communicate with the environment in which they live or (ii) are necessary for the proper functioning of the specialized equipment; cost effective; and appropriate for the individual's assessed medical needs and physical deficits.
"Backup caregiver" means the secondary person who will assume the role of providing direct care to and support of the waiver individual in instances of emergencies and in the absence of the primary caregiver who is unable to care for the individual. Such secondary persons shall perform the duties needed by the waiver individual without compensation and shall be trained in the skilled needs and technologies required by the waiver individual. Such secondary persons must be identified in the waiver individual's records.
"Barrier crime" means those crimes as defined in § 32.1-162.9:1 of the Code of Virginia that would prohibit either the employment or the continuation of employment if a person is found, through a Virginia State Police criminal history record check, to have been convicted of such a crime.
"CMS-485 Home Health Certification form" means the federal Home Health Service Plan form.
"Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services" or "CMS" means the unit of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
"Child Protective Services" or "CPS" means a program overseen by the Department of Social Services that investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children younger than 18 years of age and provides services when persons are found to be in need of protective services.
"Code of Federal Regulations" or "CFR" contains the regulations that have been officially adopted by federal agencies and have the force and effect of federal law.
"Congregate living arrangement" means a living arrangement in which three or fewer waiver individuals live in the same household and share receipt of health care services from the same provider or providers.
"Congregate skilled private duty nursing" means skilled in-home nursing provided to three or fewer waiver individuals in the individuals' primary residence or a group setting.
"Congregate private duty respite" means skilled respite care provided to three or fewer waiver individuals. This service shall be limited to 360 hours per calendar year per household.
"Cost-effective" means the anticipated annual cost to Medicaid for technology assisted waiver services shall be less than or equal to the anticipated annual institutional costs to Medicaid for individuals receiving care in hospitals or specialized care nursing facilities.
"Day" means, for the purpose of reimbursement under this waiver, a 24-hour period beginning at 12 a.m. and ending at 11:59 p.m.
"DBHDS" means the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
"DMAS" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
"Direct marketing" means one of the following: (i) conducting directly or indirectly door-to-door, telephonic or other "cold call" marketing of services at residences and provider sites; (ii) mailing directly; (iii) paying "finders' fees"; (iv) offering financial incentives, rewards, gifts, or special opportunities to eligible individuals and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, as inducements to use the providers' services; (v) continuous, periodic marketing activities to the same prospective individual and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, for example, monthly, quarterly, or annual giveaways as inducements to use the providers' services; or (vi) engaging in marketing activities that offer potential customers rebates or discounts in conjunction with the use of the providers' services or other benefits as a means of influencing the individual and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, use of the providers' services.
"Direct medical benefit" means services or supplies that are proper and needed for the diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition; are provided for the diagnosis, direct care, and treatment of the condition; and meet the standards of good professional medical practice.
"Direct supervision" means that the supervising registered nurse (RN) is immediately accessible by phone to the RN, licensed practical nurse or personal care aide who is delivering waiver covered services to individuals.
"Durable medical equipment (DME) and supplies" means those items prescribed by the attending physician, generally recognized by the medical community as serving a diagnostic or therapeutic purpose to assist the waiver individual in the home environment, and as being a medically necessary element of the service plan without regard to whether those items are covered by the State Plan for Medical Assistance.
"Eligibility determination" is the process to determine whether an individual meets the eligibility requirements specified by DMAS to receive Medicaid benefits and continues to be eligible as determined annually.
"Enrolled provider" means those professional entities or facilities who are registered, certified, or licensed, as appropriate, and who are also enrolled by DMAS to render services to eligible waiver individuals and receive reimbursement for such services.
"Enrollment" means the process where an individual has been determined to meet the eligibility requirements for a Medicaid program or service and the approving entity has verified the availability of services for the individual requesting waiver enrollment and services.
"Environmental modifications" or "EM" means physical adaptations to an individual's primary residence or primary vehicle that are necessary to ensure the individual's health, safety, or welfare or that enable the individual to function with greater independence and without which the individual would require institutionalization.
"EPSDT" means the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment program administered by DMAS for children younger than 21 years of age according to federal guidelines that prescribe preventive and treatment services for Medicaid-eligible children as set out in 12VAC30-50-130.
"Evaluation tool" means the tool that is used to determine the medical appropriateness for technology assisted waiver enrollment or services. Individuals younger than 21 years of age shall be assessed using the Technology Assisted Waiver Pediatric Referral Form (DMAS-109) and individuals 21 years of age or older shall be assessed using the Technology Assisted Waiver Adult Referral form (DMAS-108).
"Freedom of choice" means the right afforded an individual who is determined to require a level of care specified in a waiver to choose (i) either institutional or home and community-based services provided there are available funded slots, (ii) providers of services, and (iii) waiver services as may be limited by medical necessity.
"Functional status" means an individual's degree of dependence in performing ADLs/IADLs.
"Health, safety, and welfare standard" means that an individual's right to receive a waiver service is dependent on a DMAS determination that the waiver individual needs the medically necessary service based on appropriate assessment criteria and an approved written plan of care and that medically necessary services can be safely provided in the community.
"Home and community-based waiver services" or "waiver services" means the range of home and community services approved by the CMS pursuant to § 1915(c) of the Social Security Act to be offered to individuals as an alternative to institutionalization.
"Individual" means the person who has applied for and been approved to receive technology assisted waiver services.
"Individual's representative" means a spouse, guardian, adult child, parent (natural, adoptive, step, or foster) of a minor child, or other person chosen by the member to represent him in matters relating to his care or to function as the member's primary caregiver as defined herein.
"Instrumental activities of daily living" or "IADLs" means tasks such as meal preparation, shopping, housekeeping, and laundry. An individual's degree of independence in performing these activities is a part of determining the appropriate level of care and service needs.
"Legally responsible person" means one who has a legal obligation under the provisions of state law to care for and make decisions for an individual. Legally responsible persons shall include the parents (natural, adoptive, or legal guardian) of minor children, and legally assigned caregiver relatives of minor children.
"Level of care" or "LOC" means the specification of the minimum amount of assistance an individual must require in order to receive services in an institutional setting under the State Plan for Medical Assistance Services or to receive waiver services.
"License" means proof of official or legal permission issued by the government for an entity or person to perform an activity or service. In the absence of a license that may be required by either statute or regulation, the entity or person shall be prohibited from performing the activity or service for reimbursement by DMAS.
"Licensed practical nurse" or "LPN" means a person who is licensed or holds a multi-state licensure privilege, pursuant to Chapter 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, to practice practical nursing as defined.
"Long-term care" or "LTC" means a variety of services that help individuals with health or personal care needs and ADLs over a period of time. Long-term care can be provided in the home, in the community, or in various types of facilities, including nursing facilities, long-stay hospitals, and ICF/IDs.
"Medicaid" means the joint federal and state program to assist the states in furnishing medical assistance to eligible needy persons pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 USC § 1396 et seq.).
"Medicaid Long Term Care Communication Form" or "DMAS-225" means the form used to exchange eligibility information of a Medicaid-eligible individual or other information that may affect the individual's eligibility status.
"Medically necessary" means those services or specialized medical equipment or supplies that are covered for reimbursement under either the State Plan for Medical Assistance or in a waiver program that are reasonable, proper, and necessary for the treatment of an illness, injury, or deficit; are provided for direct care of the condition or to maintain or improve the functioning of a malformed body part; and that meet the standards of good professional medical practice as determined by DMAS.
"Minor child" means an individual who is younger than 21 years of age.
"Money Follows the Person" or "MFP" means the demonstration program as set out in 12VAC30-120-2000 and 12VAC30-120-2010.
"Monitoring" means the ongoing oversight of the provision of waiver and other services to determine that they are furnished according to the waiver individual's plan of care and effectively meet his needs, thereby assuring his health, safety, and welfare. Monitoring activities may include, but shall not be limited to, telephone contact; observation; interviewing the individual or the trained individual representative, as appropriate, in person or by telephone; or interviewing service providers.
"Participating provider" or "provider" means an entity that meets the standards and requirements set forth by the appropriate licensing or certification agencies and who has a current, signed provider participation agreement with DMAS.
"Payor of last resort" means all other payment sources must be exhausted before enrollment in the technology assisted waiver and Medicaid reimbursement may occur.
"Personal care aide" or "PCA" means an appropriately licensed or certified person who provides personal care services.
"Personal care provider" means an enrolled provider that renders services that prevent or reduce institutional care by providing eligible waiver individuals with PCAs who provide personal care services.
"Personal care (PC) services" means a range of support services that includes assistance with ADLs/IADLs, access to the community, and self-administration of medication or other medical needs, and the monitoring of health status and physical condition provided through the agency-directed model. Personal care services shall be provided by PCAs within the scope of their licenses or certifications, as appropriate.
"Person-centered planning" means a process, directed by the individual or his representative, as appropriate, that is intended to identify the strengths, capacities, preferences, needs, and desired outcomes for the individual.
"Plan of care" or "POC" means the written plan of waiver services and supplies ordered and certified by the attending physician as being medically needed by the individual to ensure optimal health and safety for an extended period of time while the individual is living in the community. This POC shall be developed collaboratively by the individual or individual representative, as appropriate.
"Preadmission screening" or "PAS" means the process to (i) evaluate the functional, nursing, and social support needs of applicants referred for preadmission screening; (ii) assist applicants in determining what specific services the applicants need; (iii) evaluate whether a service or a combination of existing community services are available to meet the applicants' needs; and (iv) refer applicants to the appropriate provider for Medicaid-funded facility or home and community-based care for those who meet specialized care nursing facility level of care.
"Preadmission screening team" or "PAS team" means the entity contracted with DMAS that is responsible for performing preadmission screening pursuant to § 32.1-330 of the Code of Virginia.
"Primary caregiver" means the primary person who consistently assumes the role of providing direct care and support of the individual to live successfully in the community without compensation for providing such care.
"Provider agreement" means the contract between DMAS and a participating provider under which the provider agrees to furnish services to Medicaid-eligible individuals in compliance with state and federal statutes and regulations and Medicaid contract requirements.
"Reevaluation" means the periodic but at least annual review of an individual's condition and service needs to determine whether the individual continues to meet the LOC specified for persons approved for waiver participation.
"Registered nurse" or "RN" means a person who is licensed or holds a multi-state licensure privilege pursuant to Chapter 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia to practice professional nursing as defined.
"Service authorization" or "serv auth" means the DMAS approval of a requested medical service for reimbursement prior to the provision of the service. Service authorizations shall be performed by DMAS or its service authorization contractor.
"Service authorization contractor" means DMAS or the entity that has been contracted by DMAS to perform service authorization for medically necessary Medicaid reimbursed home and community-based services.
"Single state agency" means the agency within state government that has been designated pursuant to § 1902(a)(5) of the Act as responsible for the administration of the State Plan for Medical Assistance. In Virginia, the single state agency is DMAS.
"Skilled private duty nursing respite care provider" means a DMAS participating provider that renders services in the individual's designated primary care residence to offer periodic or routine relief for unpaid primary caregivers.
"Skilled private duty nursing respite care services" means temporary skilled nursing services provided in the waiver individual's primary residence that are designed to relieve the unpaid primary caregiver on an episodic or routine basis for short periods or for specified longer periods of time.
"Skilled private duty nursing services" or "skilled PDN" means skilled in-home nursing services listed in the POC that are (i) not otherwise covered under the State Plan for Medical Assistance Services home health benefit; (ii) required to prevent institutionalization; (iii) provided within the scope of the Commonwealth's Nurse Practice Act and Drug Control Act (Chapters 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) and 34 (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, respectively); and (iv) provided by a licensed RN, or by an LPN under the supervision of an RN, to waiver members who have serious medical conditions or complex health care needs. Skilled nursing services are to be used as hands-on member care, training, consultation, as appropriate, and oversight of direct care staff, as appropriate.
"State Plan for Medical Assistance" or "State Plan" means the Commonwealth's legal document approved by CMS identifying the covered groups, covered services and their limitations, and provider reimbursement methodologies as provided for under Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
"Technology assisted waiver" or "tech waiver" means the CMS-approved waiver that provides medically necessary covered services to individuals who are chronically ill or severely impaired, having experienced loss of a vital body function, and who require substantial and ongoing skilled nursing care to avert death or further disability and whose illness or disability would, in the absence of services approved under this waiver, require their admission for a prolonged stay in a hospital or specialized care nursing facility.
"Termination" means disenrollment from a waiver by DMAS or a DMAS-designated agent.
"Transition services" means set-up expenses for individuals as defined at 12VAC30-120-2010.
"VDH" or "Department of Health" means the Virginia Department of Health.
"VDSS" means the Virginia Department of Social Services.
"Ventilator dependence" means that the waiver individual is dependent on such machines in order to sustain life or compensate for the loss of body function.
"Virginia Uniform Assessment Instrument" or "UAI" means the standardized multidimensional questionnaire that assesses an individual's physical health, mental health, psychosocial, and functional abilities to determine if the individual meets the nursing facility LOC.
Historical Notes
Derived from Volume 30, Issue 12, eff. March 13, 2014.
Statutory Authority
§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396.