Section 1540. Participation standards for home and community-based waiver services participating providers  

Latest version.
  • A. Requests for provider participation will be screened to determine whether the provider applicant meets the basic requirements for participation.

    B. For DMAS to approve provider agreements with home and community-based waiver providers, the following standards shall be met:

    1. Licensure and certification requirements pursuant to 42 CFR 441.302;

    2. Disclosure of ownership pursuant to 42 CFR 455.104 and 455.105; and

    3. The ability to document and maintain individual case records in accordance with state and federal requirements.

    C. The case manager must inform the individual of all available waiver service providers. The individual shall have the option of selecting the provider of his choice from among those providers meeting the individual's needs.

    D. DMAS shall be responsible for reviewing continued adherence to provider participation standards. DMAS shall conduct ongoing monitoring of compliance with provider participation standards and DMAS policies and periodically recertify each provider for participation agreement renewal with DMAS to provide home and community-based waiver services.

    E. A participating provider may voluntarily terminate his participation in Medicaid by providing 30 days' written notification. DMAS may terminate at will a provider's participation agreement on 30 days' written notice as specified in the DMAS participation agreement. DMAS may also immediately terminate a provider's participation agreement if the provider is no longer eligible to participate in the program. Such action precludes further payment by DMAS for services provided to individuals subsequent to the date of termination.

    F. A provider shall have the right to appeal action taken by DMAS pursuant to 12VAC30-10-1000 and 12VAC30-20-500 through 12VAC30-20-560.

    G. Section 32.1-325 D 2 of the Code of Virginia mandates that "Any such Medicaid agreement or contract shall terminate upon conviction of the provider of a felony." A provider convicted of a felony in Virginia or in any other of the 50 states or Washington, D.C., must, within 30 days, notify the Medicaid Program of this conviction and relinquish its provider agreement. In addition, termination of a provider participation agreement will occur as may be required for federal financial participation.

    H. Case manager's responsibility for the Individual Information Form (DMAS-122). It shall be the responsibility of the case management provider to notify DMHMRSAS and DSS, in writing, within five business days of being informed of any of the circumstances described in this subsection:

    1. Home and community-based waiver services are initiated.

    2. A recipient dies.

    3. A recipient is discharged from Day Support Waiver services.

    4. Any other circumstances (including hospitalization) that cause home and community-based waiver services to cease or be interrupted for more than 30 days.

    5. A selection by the individual or family/caregiver of a different community services board/behavioral health authority providing case management services.

    I. Changes or termination of services. DMHMRSAS shall authorize changes to an individual's CSP based on the recommendations of the case manager . Providers of waiver services are responsible for modifying their Individual Service Plans (ISPs) with the involvement of the individual or family/caregiver, and submitting them to the case manager any time there is a change in the individual's condition or circumstances that may warrant a change in the amount or type of service rendered. The case manager will review the need for a change and may recommend a change to the ISP to the DMHMRSAS staff. DMHMRSAS will review and approve, deny, or pend for additional information the requested change to the individual's ISP, and communicate this to the case manager within 10 business days of receiving all supporting documentation regarding the request for change or in the case of an emergency, within three business days of receipt of the request for change.

    The individual or family/caregiver will be notified, in writing, of the right to appeal the decision or decisions to reduce, terminate, suspend or deny services pursuant to DMAS client appeals regulations, Part I (12VAC30-110-10 et seq.) of 12VAC 30-110. The case manager must submit this notification to the individual in writing within 10 business days of the decision. All CSPs are subject to approval by the Medicaid agency.

    1. In a nonemergency situation, the participating provider shall give the individual or family/caregiver and case manager 10 business days prior written notice of the provider's intent to discontinue services. The notification letter shall provide the reasons why and the effective date the provider is discontinuing services. The effective date that services will be discontinued shall be at least 10 business days from the date of the notification letter.

    2. In an emergency situation, when the health and safety of the individual, other individuals in that setting, or provider personnel is endangered, the case manager and DMHMRSAS must be notified prior to the provider discontinuing services. The 10 business day written notification period shall not be required. If appropriate, the local DSS adult protective services or child protective services and DMHMRSAS Offices of Licensing and Human Rights must be notified immediately.

    3. In the case of termination of home and community-based waiver services by the CSB/BHA, DMHMRSAS or DMAS staff, individuals shall be notified of their appeal rights by the case manager pursuant to Part I (12VAC30-110-10 et seq.) of 12VAC30-110. The case manager shall have the responsibility to identify those individuals who no longer meet the level of care criteria or for whom home and community-based waiver services are no longer an appropriate alternative.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 06, eff. December 26, 2007.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.