Section 1510. General coverage and requirements for Day Support Waiver services.  

Latest version.
  • A. Waiver service populations. Home and community-based waiver services shall be available through a § 1915(c) of the Social Security Act waiver for individuals with mental retardation who have been determined to require the level of care provided in an ICF/MR.

    B. Covered services.

    1. Covered services shall include day support services , prevocational services and supported employment services.

    2. These services shall be appropriate and necessary to maintain the individual in the community. Federal waiver requirements provide that the average per capita fiscal year expenditures under the waiver must not exceed the average per capita expenditures for the level of care provided in an ICF/MR under the State Plan that would have been provided had the waiver not been granted.

    3. Waiver services shall not be furnished to individuals who are inpatients of a hospital, nursing facility, ICF/MR, or inpatient rehabilitation facility. Individuals with mental retardation who are inpatients of these facilities may receive case management services as described in 12VAC30-50-440. The case manager may recommend waiver services that would promote exiting from the institutional placement; however, these services shall not be provided until the individual has exited the institution.

    4. Under this § 1915(c) waiver, DMAS waives § 1902(a)(10)(B) of the Social Security Act related to comparability.

    C. Appeals. Individual appeals shall be considered pursuant to 12VAC30-110-10 through 12VAC30-110-380. Provider appeals shall be considered pursuant to 12VAC30-10-1000 and 12VAC30-20-500 through 12VAC30-20-560.

    D. Slot allocation.

    1. DMHMRSAS will maintain one waiting list, the MR Waiver waiting list described in Part IV (12VAC30-120-211 et seq.) of this chapter, which will be used to assign slots in both the MR Waiver and Day Support Waiver. For Day Support Waiver services, slots will be assigned based on the date of need reported by the case manager when the individual was placed on the MR Waiver waiting list . Individuals interested in receiving Day Support Waiver services who are not currently on the MR Waiver waiting list may apply for services through the local CSB and if found eligible will be placed on the MR Waiver waiting list until a slot is available.

    2. Each CSB will be assigned one Day Support Waiver slot by DMHMRSAS. The remaining slots will be distributed to the CSBs/BHAs based on the percentage of individual cases when compared to the statewide total of cases on the MR Waiver waiting list. All slots shall be allocated based on the individual's date of need and will remain CSB/BHA slots that, when vacated, will be offered to the next individual on the MR Waiver waiting list from that CSB/BHA based upon the date of need.

    3. Individuals may remain on the MR Waiver waiting list while receiving Day Support Waiver services.

    E. Reevaluation of service need and utilization review. Case managers shall complete reviews and updates of the CSP and level of care as specified in 12VAC30-120-1520 D. Providers shall meet the documentation requirements as specified in 12VAC30-120-1530 B.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 06, eff. December 26, 2007.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.