Section 920. State financial participation  

Latest version.
  • A. State funds are used in both assistance and administration.

    There is local participation. State funds are used to pay not less than 40 percent of the non-Federal share of the total expenditures under the plan. There is a method of apportioning Federal and State funds among the political subdivisions of the State on an equalization or other basis which assures that lack of adequate funds from local sources will not result in lowering the amount, duration, scope, or quality of care and services or level of administration under the plan in any part of the State.

    B. State and Federal funds are apportioned among the political subdivisions of the State on a basis consistent with equitable treatment of individuals in similar circumstances throughout the State.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-01-85, eff. February 15, 1990.

Statutory Authority

Social Security Act Title XIX; 42 CFR 430 to end; all other applicable statutory and regulatory sections.