Section 850. Standards of personnel administration  

Latest version.
  • Part V. Personnel Administration

    A. The Medicaid agency has established and will maintain methods of personnel administration in conformity with standards prescribed by the U.S. Civil Service Commission in accordance with § 208 of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 and the regulations on Administration of the Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration, 5 CFR 900, Subpart F. All requirements of 42 CFR 432.10 are met.

    B. Affirmative Action Plan. The Medicaid agency has in effect an affirmative action plan for equal employment opportunity that includes specific action steps and timetables and meets all other requirements of 5 CFR 900, Subpart F.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-01-80, eff. October 1, 1977.

Statutory Authority

Social Security Act Title XIX; 42 CFR 430 to end; all other applicable statutory and regulatory sections.