Section 751. Enforcement of compliance for nursing facilities  

Latest version.
  • A. The Commonwealth shall comply with the Medicaid Program requirements of 42 CFR 488.300 et seq.

    B. Notification of enforcement remedies. When taking an enforcement action against a nonstate operated nursing facility, the state provides notification in accordance with 42 CFR 488.402(f).

    1. The notice (except for civil money penalties and state monitoring) specifies:

    a. The nature of noncompliance;

    b. Which remedy is imposed;

    c. The effective date of the remedy; and

    d. The right to appeal the determination leading to the remedy.

    2. The notice for civil money penalties is in writing and contains the information specified in 42 CFR 488.434.

    3. Except for civil money penalties and state monitoring, notice is given at least two calendar days before the effective date of the enforcement remedy for immediate jeopardy situations and at least 15 calendar days before the effective date of the enforcement remedy when immediate jeopardy does not exist. The two-day and 15-day notice periods begin when the facility receives the notice, but, in no event will the effective date of the enforcement action be later than 20 calendar days after the notice is sent. (42 CFR 488.402(f)(3),(4), (5))

    4. Notification of termination is given to the facility and to the public at least two calendar days before the remedy's effective date if the noncompliance constitutes immediate jeopardy and at least 15 calendar days before the remedy's effective date if the noncompliance does not constitute immediate jeopardy. The state must terminate the provider agreement of a nursing facility in accordance with procedures in 42 CFR Parts 431 and 442. (42 CFR 488.456(c) and (d)).

    C. Factors to be considered in selecting remedies. In determining the seriousness of deficiencies, the state considers the factors specified in 42 CFR 488.404(b)(1) and (2).

    D. Application of remedies.

    1. If there is immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety, the state terminates the nursing facility's provider agreement within 23 calendar days from the date of the last survey or immediately imposes temporary management to remove the threat within 23 days. (42 CFR 488.410)

    2. The state imposes the denial of payment (or its approved alternative) with respect to any individual admitted to a nursing facility that has not come into substantial compliance within three months after the last day of the survey. (42 CFR 488.417(b)(1) and § 1919(h)(2)(C) of the Act)

    3. The state imposes the denial of payment for new admissions remedy as specified in 42 CFR 488.417 (or its approved alternative) and a state monitor as specified at 42 CFR 488.422, when a facility has been found to have provided substandard quality of care on the last three consecutive standard surveys. (42 CFR 488.414 and § 1919(h)(2)(D) of the Act)

    4. The state follows the criteria specified at 42 CFR 488.408(c)(2), (d)(2), and (e)(2) when it imposes remedies in place of or in addition to termination. (42 CFR 488.408(b) and § 1919(h)(2)(A) of the Act)

    5. When immediate jeopardy does not exist, the state terminates a nursing facility's provider agreement no later than six months from the finding of noncompliance if the conditions of 42 CFR 488.412(a) are not met.

    E. Available remedies. The state has established the remedies defined in 42 CFR 488.406(b).

    1. Termination;

    2. Temporary management;

    3. Denial of payment for new admissions;

    4. Civil money penalties;

    5. Transfer of residents; transfer of residents with closure of facility; and

    6. State monitoring.

    12VAC30-20-251 through 12VAC30-20-259 describe the criteria for applying the above remedies, plan of correction, nursing facility appeals, and repeated substandard quality of care.

    F. In the event that the Commonwealth and HCFA disagree on findings of noncompliance or application of remedies in a nonstate operated nursing facility or a dually participating facility when there is no immediate jeopardy, such disagreement shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of 42 CFR 488.452 (1995).

    G. The Commonwealth shall have the authority to apply one or more remedies for each deficiency constituting noncompliance or for all deficiencies constituting noncompliance.

    H. As set forth by 42 CFR 488.454(d), remedies shall terminate on the date that HCFA or the Commonwealth can verify as the date that substantial compliance was achieved and the facility has demonstrated that it could maintain substantial compliance once the facility supplies documentation acceptable to HCFA or the Commonwealth that it was in substantial compliance and was capable of remaining in compliance.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 12, Issue 25, eff. October 2, 1996.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.