Section 210. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Comparability of services  

Latest version.
  • Except for those items or services for which § 1902(a), 1902(a)(10), 1903(v), 1915 and 1925 of the Act, 42 CFR 440.250, and § 245A of the Immigration and Naturalization Act, permit exceptions:

    A. Services made available to the categorically needy are equal in amount, duration, and scope for each categorically needy person.

    B. The amount, duration, and scope of services made available to the categorically needy are equal to or greater than those made available to the medically needy.

    C. Services made available to the medically needy are equal in amount, duration, and scope for each person in a medically needy coverage group.

    D. Additional coverage for pregnancy-related services and services for conditions that may complicate the pregnancy are equal for categorically and medically needy.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-01-22, eff. June 16, 1993.

Statutory Authority

Social Security Act Title XIX; 42 CFR 430 to end; all other applicable statutory and regulatory sections.