Section 20. Organization for administration  

Latest version.
  • A. 12VAC30-20-20 contains a description of the organization and functions of the Medicaid agency and an organization chart of the agency.

    B. Within the state agency, the Department of Medical Assistance Services has been designated as the medical assistance unit. 12VAC30-20-30 contains a description of the organization and functions of the medical assistance unit and an organization chart of the unit.

    C. 12VAC30-20-40 contains a description of the kinds and numbers of professional medical personnel and supporting staff used in the administration of the plan and their responsibilities.

    D. Eligibility determinations are made by state or local staff of an agency other than the agency named in 12VAC30-10-10 A.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR460-01-7, eff. March 1, 1985; amended, Volume 17, Issue 19, eff. August eff. August 1, 2001; Errata, 17:24 VA.R. August 13, 2001.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.