Chapter 10. State Plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistanceprogram; General Provisions  

Section 10. Designation and authority
Section 20. Organization for administration
Section 30. Statewide operation
Section 40. State Medical Care Advisory Committee
Section 50. Pediatric immunization program
Section 60. Application; determination of eligibility and furnishing Medicaid
Section 70. Coverage and conditions of eligibility
Section 80. Residence
Section 90. Blindness
Section 100. Disability
Section 110. Financial eligibility
Section 120. Medicaid furnished out of state
Section 130. Requirements for advance directives
Section 140. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Categorically needy
Section 150. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Medically needy
Section 160. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Other required special groups
Section 170. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Limited coverage for certain aliens
Section 180. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Homeless individuals
Section 190. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Presumptively eligible pregnant women
Section 200. Amount, duration, and scope of services: EPSDT services
Section 210. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Comparability of services
Section 220. Amount, duration, and scope of services: home health services
Section 230. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Assurance of transportation
Section 240. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Payment for nursing facility services
Section 250. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Methods and standards to assure quality of services
Section 260. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Family planning services
Section 270. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Optometric services
Section 280. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Organ transplant procedures
Section 290. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Participation by Indian Health Service facilities
Section 300. Amount, duration, and scope of services: Respiratory care services for ventilator-dependent individuals
Section 310. Coordination of Medicaid with Medicare and other insurance: Premiums
Section 320. Coordination of Medicaid with Medicare and other insurance: Deductibles/coinsurance
Section 325. Premiums, deductibles, coinsurance and other cost sharing obligations
Section 330. Medicaid for individuals age 65 or over in institutions for mental diseases
Section 340. Special requirements applicable to sterilization procedures
Section 350. Families receiving extended Medicaid benefits
Section 360. [Reserved]
Section 400. Methods of administration
Section 410. Hearings for applicants and recipients
Section 420. Safeguarding information on applicants and recipients
Section 430. Medicaid quality control
Section 435. Medicaid prohibition on payments to institutions or entities located outside of the United States
Section 440. Medicaid Agency Fraud Detection and Investigation Program
Section 441. Medicaid agency fraud detection and investigation program
Section 445. Recovery audit contractors
Section 450. Reports
Section 460. Maintenance of records
Section 470. Availability of agency program manuals
Section 480. Reporting provider payments to Internal Revenue Service
Section 490. Free choice of providers
Section 500. Relations with standard-setting and survey agencies
Section 510. Consultation to medical facilities
Section 520. Required provider agreement
Section 530. Utilization and quality control
Section 540. Inspection of care in intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, facilities providing inpatient psychiatric services for individuals ...
Section 550. Relations with state health and vocational rehabilitation agencies and Title V grantees
Section 560. Liens and recoveries
Section 570. Recipient cost sharing and similar charges
Section 580. Payment for services
Section 590. Direct payments to certain recipients for physicians' or dentists' services
Section 600. Prohibition against reassignment of provider claims
Section 610. Third party liability
Section 620. Use of contracts
Section 630. [Repealed]
Section 631. Standards for payment for nursing facility and intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded services
Section 640. Program for licensing administrators of nursing homes
Section 650. Drug Utilization Review Program
Section 660. Disclosure of survey information and provider or contractor evaluation
Section 670. Appeals process
Section 680. Conflict of interest provisions
Section 690. Exclusion of providers and suspension of practitioners and other individuals
Section 700. Disclosure of information by providers and fiscal agents
Section 710. Income and eligibility verification system
Section 720. Medicaid eligibility cards for homeless individuals
Section 730. Systematic alien verification for entitlements
Section 740. [Repealed]
Section 750. [Repealed]
Section 751. Enforcement of compliance for nursing facilities
Section 760. Pharmacy services rebate agreement terms
Section 770. Required coordination between the Medicaid and WIC Programs
Section 780. Nurse aide training and competency evaluation for nursing facilities
Section 790. Preadmission screening and annual resident review in nursing facilities
Section 800. Survey and certification process
Section 810. Resident assessment for nursing facilities
Section 815. Cooperation with Medicaid Integrity Program efforts
Section 820. Employee education about false claims recoveries
Section 850. Standards of personnel administration
Section 860. [Reserved]
Section 870. Training programs; subprofessional and volunteer programs
Section 880. [Reserved]
Section 900. Fiscal policies and administration
Section 910. Cost allocation
Section 920. State financial participation
Section 930. Hospital credit balance reporting
Section 940. [Reserved]
Section 960. Plan amendments
Section 970. Nondiscrimination
Section 980. [Repealed]
Section 990. State Governor's review
Section 1000. General provider appeals