Section 530. Use of acronym and logo  

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  • A. Authorized retailers shall post a state-issued "WIC Accepted Here" window decal in the retailer's front entrance or in a conspicuously visible location that identifies to the general public that the retailer location participates in the WIC Program. Authorized retailers may use alternative signage if approved by the state agency prior to being used.

    B. Retailers, food manufacturers, distributors and suppliers shall receive written approval from the state agency prior to producing or distributing window decals, channel strips, shelf talkers, or other promotional items that use either the WIC acronym or logo. Retailers that elect to use point-of-sale channel strips, shelf labels, or other promotional materials for a specific food category must ensure that all eligible items are consistently promoted as WIC approved. Retailers are prohibited from promoting a specific manufacturer's product over another eligible WIC-approved product within the same food category (USDA Memo SFP 09-020).

    C. Retailers or applicants shall not use either the acronym "WIC," "W.I.C." or the WIC logo, including close facsimiles thereof, in total or in part, either in their official name in which the retailer is registered or in the name under which it does business, if different (USDA Memo SFP 09-020).

    D. Retailers, food manufacturers, distributors and suppliers shall not use the WIC acronym or logo in the packaging of their products. Retailers, food manufacturers, distributors and suppliers shall receive written approval from the state agency before using either the WIC acronym or logo for any business or public relations purpose (USDA Memo SFP 09-020).

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 19, eff. May 26, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 22, eff. July 6, 2009; Volume 29, Issue 12, eff. March 13, 2013.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-12 of the Code of Virginia; 7 CFR Part 246.